2024-2027 Principal Investigator, Upperhouse Capital: Integrating climate considerations into innovative financing instruments. (Total $100,000)
2022-2025 Co-Principal Investigator, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Uncovering energy insecurity. (With PI Destenie Nock from Carnegie Mellon University, co- PI David Knonisky from University of Indiana, and co-PI Gabe Chan from University of Minnesota. Total $577,598, Maryland’s portion $113,768)
2022-2024 Principal Investigator, The Economics of Scaling Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) project (prime sponsor Alfred P. Sloan Foundation) research funding: The economic consequences of carbon capture, utilization and storage projects: Evidence from housing markets in the United States and China. (Total $12,000 via honorarium)
2022 Co-Principal Investigator, Maryland Department of the Environment research grant: The Economic Impact of GHG Emissions Reductions from Maryland’s Manufacturing Sector (Total $100,000)
2021-2024 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Award # 2125775: Collaborative Research: Empirical assessment of the heterogeneous changes in electricity consumption behaviors due to co-adopting batteries, electric vehicles, and solar panels. (Total $509,928. Maryland as the lead instiution. Maryland’s portion $300,093, Syracuse University’s portion $209,835)
2021 Co-Principal Investigator, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) research grant: Residential DER Customer Data Analytics. (Subaward from Syracuse University with PI Bing Dong. Total $20,000, Maryland’s portion $2k)
2020-2021 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Award # 2029511: RAPID: Coronavirus, new patterns in electricity demand, and energy inequality. (With co-PI Destenie Nock from Carnegie Mellon University. Total $199,996, Maryland’s portion $135k, CMU’s portion $65k)
2019-2021 Principal Investigator, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation: Realizing the Full Value of Flexible Electric Heating. (With co-PI Parth Vaishnav from Carnegie Mellon University and co-PI Pengfei Liu from University of Rohde Island. Total $300,000, Maryland’s portion $134k, CMU’s portion $146k, Rohde Island’s portion $20k)
2017-2022 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation CAREER award, Award # 1757329: CAREER: Bridging the Gap between Engineering Simulation and Reality of Home Energy-Efficiency Improvements via Big-Data Analysis. ($502,000)
2016-2017 Co-Principal Investigator, Department of Defense research grant: A to Z: Comprehensive Community Planning for Energy Projects for the DoD. (Sub-award from City of Surprise, with PI Kristin Mayes, Co-PIs Nathan Parker and Martin Pasqualetti, total $459,465, Qiu’s portion $27,314)
2015-2018 Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation research grant, Award # 1509077: Energy Sustainability of Green Commercial Buildings: An Empirical Assessment. (Co-PIs Harvey Bryan and Ben Ruddell, $299,985)
2015-2017 Principal Investigator, Water Research Foundation research grant: Identifying and Evaluating Opportunities for Reducing Variability of Utility Revenues. (Sub-award from University of New Mexico, $20,000)
2014-2015 Principal Investigator, Western Resource Advocates research grant: Energy Efficiency Analysis. ($5,000)
2013-2015 Principal Investigator, Salt River Project research grant: Pricing, Energy Efficiency and Consumer Behavior. ($46,237)
2012-2013 Arizona State University, Colleague of Technology and Innovation, Scholarship Support and Enhancement (SSE) research grant. ($10,000)
2011 Best Student Poster Session Award at 2011 U.S. Association for Energy Economics Annual Conference
2007-2010 Stanford Graduate Fellowship
2010 Stanford China Energy Fellowship
2009 MAP Energy Fellowship