YouTube says goodbye to dislikes: historic turning point for the platform

A piece of YouTube history leaves us forever. The historic video platform has decided to permanently eliminate the dislikes counter, present under the videos together with the likes since its inception. Users will still be able to see and use the Dislike button, however there will no longer be a counter showing how many Dislikes a video has gotten. YouTube's epochal turning point was motivated as a decision made for the sake of creators.

With the removal of the number of dislike, content creators will be better protected against harassment from users who band together to jot down their videos and ruin their work. In fact, there have been many times incidents in which groups of users gathered without reason or for unethical reasons in order to bomb videos with their thumbs down. Soon the number of Dislikes will only be visible to video creators who will be able to view it through YouTube Studio and use it as feedback to improve their content.

The change to the platform will take place gradually starting today. While this may be the right decision, on the other hand removing the thumbs down can be a disadvantage for the community. Without the thumbs down, it won't be as easy as before to recognize misleading videos created to incentivize clickbait and scams. Do you agree with the decision made by the giant owned by Google?