
* denotes equal contribution.

Italic authors denote advised students.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

[B1] Continuous Student Modeling for Programming in the Classroom: Challenges, Methods, and Evaluation. [Chapter]

Ye Mao, Samiha Marwan, Preya Shabrina, Yang Shi, Thomas W. Price, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes

Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2023. 

Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers

[J3] The Knowledge Component Attribution Problem for Programming: Methods and Tradeoffs with Limited Labeled Data. 

Yang Shi, Robin Schmucker, Keith Tran, John Bacher, Kenneth Koedinger, Thomas Price, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes

Journal of Educational Data Mining (JEDM), 2024. (To Appear, JEDM track of EDM'24)

[J2] Enhanced Cyber-physical Security in Internet of Things through Energy Auditing. [Paper]

Fangyu Li, Yang Shi, Aditya Shinde, Jin Ye, WenZhan Song

 IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), 2019. 

[J1] System Statistics Learning-Based IoT Security: Feasibility and Suitability. [Paper]

Fangyu Li, Aditya Shinde, Yang Shi, Jin Ye, Xiang-Yang Li, WenZhan Song

IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IOTJ), 2019. 

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

[C15] Overcoming Barriers in Scaling Computing Education Research Programming Tools: A Developer’s Perspective.

Keith Tran, John Bacher, Yang Shi, James Skripchuk, Thomas Price

The 20th ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER 2024), 2024 (To Appear, Accepance Rate 20.1%, 36/179 Papers)

[C14] Evaluating Multi-Knowledge Component Interpretability of Deep Knowledge Tracing Models in Programming.

Yang Shi, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes, Thomas Price

The 17th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2024), 2024. (To Appear, Short Paper Track)

[C13] Students' Perceptions and Preferences of Generative Artificial Intelligence Feedback for Programming. [Paper]

Zhengdong Zhang, Zihan Dong, Yang Shi, Thomas Price, Noboru Matsuda, Dongkuan Xu

The 14th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI 2024), 2024. (AI in Education Track)

[C12] Detecting ChatGPT-Generated Code Submissions in a CS1 Course Using Machine Learning Models.  [Paper]

Muntasir Hoq, Yang Shi, Juho Leinonen, Damilola Babalola, Collin Lynch, Thomas Price, Bita Akram

The 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2024), 2024. (Acceptance Rate ~33%)

[C11] Investigating the Impact of On-Demand Code Examples on Novices' Open-Ended Programming Experience. [Paper]

Wengran Wang, John Bacher, Amy Isvik, Ally Limke, Sandeep Sthapit, Yang Shi, Benyamin T. Tabarsi, Keith Tran, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes, Chris Martens, Thomas Price

ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER), 2023 (Acceptance Rate 21.3%, 35/164 Papers)

[C10] KC-Finder: Automated Knowledge Component Discovery for Programming Problems. [Paper|Slides|Poster]

Yang Shi, Robin Schmucker, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes, Thomas Price

The 16th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2023), 2023. (Acceptance Rate 26.4%, 18/68 Full Papers)

[C9] Investigating the Impact of Emotions on the Quality of Novice Programmers’ Code. [Paper]

Lisero Mugula, Rosemary Tufon, Yang Shi, Maria Valero, Adriane Randolph, Valentina Nino

Information Systems and Neuroscience: NeuroIS Retreat 2023, 2023. 

[C8] Code-DKT: A Code-based Knowledge Tracing Model for Programming Tasks.  [Paper|Slides]

Yang Shi, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes, Thomas Price

The 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2022), 2022. (Acceptance Rate 28.6%, 26/91 Full Papers)

[C7] Identifying Common Errors in Open-ended Machine Learning Projects. [Paper|Artifact (Codebook)]

James Skripchuk, Yang Shi, Thomas Price

The 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2022), 2022. (Acceptance Rate 27.9%, 144/516 Full Papers)

[C6] More With Less: Exploring How to Use Deep Learning Effectively through Semi-supervised Learning for Automatic Bug Detection in Student Code. [Paper|Slides]

Yang Shi*, Ye Mao*, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi, Thomas Price

The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021), 2021. (Combined Acceptance Rate 27.2%, 44/162 Short Papers)

[C5] Knowing both when and where: Temporal-ASTNN for Early Prediction of Student Success in Novice Programming Tasks. [Paper]

Ye Mao, Yang Shi, Samiha Marwan, Thomas Price, Tiffany Barnes, Min Chi

The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021), 2021. (Acceptance Rate 22%, 22/100 Full Papers) 

[C4] Just a Few Expert Constraints Can Help: Humanizing Data-Driven Subgoal Detection for Novice Programming. [Paper|Presentation

Samiha Marwan, Yang Shi, Ian Menezes, Min Chi, Tiffany Barnes, Thomas Price

The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021), 2021. (Acceptance Rate 22%, 22/100 Full Papers) 

Best Paper Award

[C3] Toward Semi-Automatic Misconception Discovery Using Code Embeddings. [Paper|Slides]

Yang Shi, Krupal Shah, Wengran Wang, Samiha Marwan, Poorvaja Penmetsa, Thomas Price

The 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK 21), 2021. (Acceptance Rate 29.3%, 29/99 Short Papers)

[C2] Energy Audition based Cyber-Physical Attack Detection System in IoT. [Paper]

Yang Shi, Fangyu Li, Wenzhan Song, Xiang-Yang Li, Jin Ye

ACM SigMobile China, 2019.

[C1] Dynamic Time-frequency Feature Extraction for Brain Activity Recognition. [Paper|Slides]

Yang Shi, Fangyu Li, Tianming Liu, Fred R. Beyette, WenZhan Song

40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018. 

Peer-Reviewed Doctoral Consortium Paper

[DC1] Interpretable Code-Informed Learning Analytics for CS Education. [Paper]

Yang Shi

The 13th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK 23), 2023.

Peer-Reviewed Workshop Papers

[W4] Detecting ChatGPT-Generated Code in a CS1 Course. [Paper]

Muntasir Hoq, Yang Shi, Juho Leinonen, Damilola Babalola, Collin Lynch, Bita Akram

Empowering Education with LLMs - the Next-Gen Interface and Content Generation Workshop @ AIED 2023

[W3] Investigate Effectiveness of Code Features in Knowledge Tracing Task on Novice Programming Course. [Paper]

Poorvaja Penmetsa, Yang Shi, Thomas Price

Work-In-Progress Track, CSEDM Workshop @ EDM’21 

[W2] TEST_POSITIVE at W-NUT 2020 Shared Task-3: Joint Event Multi-task Learning for Slot Filling in Noisy Text. [Paper]

Chacha Chen, Chieh-Yang Huang, Yaqi Hou, Yang Shi, Enyan Dai, Jiaqi Wang

2020 The 6th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT) @ EMNLP 2020. 

[W1] Comparing Feature Engineering Approaches to Predict Complex Programming Behaviors. [Paper]

Wengran Wang, Yudong Rao, Yang Shi, Alexandra Milliken, Chris Martens, Tiffany Barnes, Thomas Price

CSEDM Workshop @ EDM’20

Peer-Reviewed Poster Papers

[P3] Novices' Perceptions of Web-Search and AI for Programming.

James Skripchuk, John Bacher, Yang Shi, Keith Tran, Thomas Price

The 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2024), 2024

[P2] Enhancing Code Tracing Question Generation with Refined Prompts in Large Language Models.

Aysa Xuemo Fan, Rully Agus Hendrawan, Yang Shi, Qianou Ma

The 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2024), 2024

[P1] Developing Comic-based Learning Toolkits for Teaching Computing to Elementary School Learners.

Francisco Enrique Vicente Castro, Jane E, Sangho Suh, Weena Naowaprateep, Yang Shi

The 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education (SIGCSE 2023), 2023


[O1] PoTrojan: powerful neural-level trojan designs in deep learning models. [Paper]

Minhui Zou, Yang Shi, Chengliang Wang, Fangyu Li, WenZhan Song, Yu Wang