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Young Researchers Symposium on Natural Language Processing (YRSNLP)
December 10, 2016
The Osaka International Convention Center (OICC), Japan
Satellite event of Coling 2016
We are excited to organize YRSNLP, the first international symposium for young researchers working on Natural Language Processing. The goal of this symposium is not only to present and discuss their study but also to stimulate new ideas, encourage networking, and enhance their activities. YRSNLP is an official satellite event of Coling 2016, approved by the International Committee on Computational Linguistics (ICCL).
December 10, 2016 (one day)
Room 801-802, the Osaka International Convention Center (OICC)
5-3-51, Nakanoshima Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-0005 JAPAN
(the same venue as Coling 2016)
Important dates
October 31, 2016 (EXTENDED): Abstract submission deadline for presentations (11:59pm, Pacific Standard Time)
November 26, 2016: Registration due for participation
December 10, 2016: Symposium
Registration Please register a talk or participation from the Web site. The registration fee for the symposium is free, but all participants are required to register the main conference of Coling 2016.
Abstract submission (Speaker)
Please submit abstract of your talk:
Registration as audience:
Anyone (who has a registration for the main conference of Coling 2016) can attend the YRSNLP 2016 symposium, but we appreciate your registration here in order to estimate the number of participants and to provide better facilities at the symposium. https://goo.gl/forms/u7I4qbqwmTdu0CJ43
In addition, we are planning to hold a dinner event after the symposium. The event features Takoyaki, a ball-shaped pancake with octopus and vegetables, Osaka's representative local food (no worry if you do not like octopus; you could customize your own pieces by avoiding octopus, adding your favorite ingredients, changing source, etc.).
Here is the detail of the event.
--- Time: 18:00-20:00 Location: Marubiru (Maru Bld.), Tako no Tetsu: http://www.takonotetsu.co.jp/ Price: JPY 3,500 (including drinks) --- Because the seats for the dinner are limited, please book your seat from this registration form.
How to participate as a speaker Anyone can attend the symposium as a speaker, presenting their work at casual talk and poster sessions. This may be a good opportunity for gaining recognition from the young generation. We also welcome a presentation of a study that has been presented elsewhere (e.g., in Coling 2016 or another conference/workshop) by the presenter. Please submit the title and the abstract (at most 400 words long) of your work by the abstract submission due.
How to participate as an audience Participants can also enjoy the symposium as the audience; attending talks by invited speakers, poster presenters, and sponsor companies. We are also planning to have a social event so that we can know each other well and enjoy the Coling 2016 conference.
Organization YRSNLP 2016 is organized by Young Researcher Association for NLP Studies (YANS), which is an association for young researchers working on natural language processing and computational linguistics in Japan. Since 2006, the association has held its annual conference, YANS symposium, eleven times with a goal of encouraging the networking among the young researchers and enhancing their activities.
General Co-Chairs Naoaki Okazaki (Tohoku University) Yuya Unno (Preferred Networks, Inc.) Hitoshi Nishikawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Committee members Yuki Arase (Osaka University) Kei Uchiumi (Denso IT Laboratory, Inc.) Tomoyuki Kajiwara (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Kimi Kaneko (Ochanomizu University) Risa Kitajima (Rakuten, Inc.) Itsumi Saito (NTT, Inc.) Misa Sato (Hitachi, Ltd.) Hiroyuki Tokunaga (SmartNews, Inc.) Toshiaki Nakazawa (JST) Grahm Neubig (Carnegie Mellon University) Jun Harashima (Cookpad, Inc.) Masatsugu Hangyo (Weathernews, Inc.) Miho Matsunagi (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Rei Miyata (University of Tokyo) Makoto Miwa (Toyota Technological Institute) Yugo Murawaki (Kyoto University) Kento Watanabe (Tohoku University)
Contact YANS Committee yans2016committee at googlegroups dot com