How to get to Turin

    • By plane: The nearest airport is Turin Caselle, from there you can take a direct bus to the city centre (which takes about 45min).

    • More (international/economic) flights arrive at the airports of Milan: Malpensa, Linate and Orio al Serio (ordered by distance from Turin). From Malpensa and Orio al Serio, there is a direct bus service. From Linate you can take a bus that takes you to the central station of Milan, and from there take a train or bus to Turin.

    • By train: check the web page of Trenitalia or Italo.

How to get to the Politecnico di Torino

All lectures will take place in the Aula Buzano (third floor) at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Politecnico di Torino, at Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, see the map. To reach the department from

    • the railway station Porta Susa: 15 minutes on foot, see the map;

    • the railway station Porta Nuova: 20 minutes on foot, see the map;

For the public transportation in Turin, you can have a look at this web page.

Where to stay

We made some arrangement with hotels in the city centre. If you book a room before the begin of November, mention the workshop at the Politecnico, to get the rates below.

    • Hotel Luxor. The prices are 80 € for a single, 90 € for double used as single, and 99 € for a double room.

    • BnB La Luna e i Falò. The prices are 80 € for a double used as single, 110 € for a double room. They have also appartments.

    • Hotel Montevecchio. The prices are 55 € for a single, 65 € for double used as single, and 75 € for a double room.

    • Hotel Italia. The prices are 60 € for a single, and 88 € for a double room.

Additionally there is a visitor's tax in Torino, which is 2.80 € per night.

Social dinner

The social dinner will take place on Thursday evening at 7.00 pm at Ristorante Quattro Soldi. There will be a complete menu including water and wine, which will cost about 30 €.