Youzuo Lin

Scientist, Team LeaderSensors & Signatures TeamGeophysics GroupLos Alamos National Laboratory


My current research focuses on physics-informed machine learning, deep learning, computational methods, and their applications in computational imaging, signal and image Analysis. Specifically, I have worked on subsurface imaging for energy exploration, medical imaging and cancer detection, and time series classification for small earthquake detection.

Before joining the staff scientist at LANL, I completed my Ph.D. in Applied and Computational Mathematics at Arizona State University.


  • Sept 2022: NeurIPS 2022.  Excited to share our OpenFWI was accepted by #NeurIPS. Great job Chengyuan, Shihang, and everyone contributing to this effort!

  • July 2022: Congrats to Daniel Manu and the team won the second place in the SIGDA University Demonstration at the 2022 Design Automation Conference (DAC)! Seismic imaging on the edge becomes possible.

  • May 2022: ICML 2022, our work, InvLINT, was accepted for a short presentation. See here for more details.

  • May 2022: Invited Talk at SEG Workshop on Data Analytics & Machine Learning for Exploration & Production.

  • May 2022: Our review paper on physics-informed data-driven seismic inversion work is available.

  • April 2022: ICLR 2022, Our work on unsupervised seismic imaging was accepted for poster presentation.

  • March 2022: Check out our book chapter on physics approach to monitor/image CO2 reservoir.


Here are some of my most recent projects. For a full list of research projects and descriptions, see my complete Research Page.

InversionNet: An Efficient and Accurate Data-driven Full Waveform Inversion

VelocityGAN: Subsurface Velocity Image Estimation Using Conditional Adversarial Networks

Physics-informed Data-driven Waveform Inversion through Data Augmentation

DeepDetect: A Cascaded Region-based Densely Connected Network for Seismic Event Detection

Adaptive Filtering for Event Recognition from Noisy Signal: an Application to Earthquake Detection

EarthquakeGen: Earthquake Simulation Using Generative Adversarial Networks