

( * : the corresponding author)

22. On Ideal Secret-Sharing Schemes for k-homogeneous access structure, Y. Kim, J. Kwon*, and H. Lee  (19 pages, submitted (arXiv))

21. The Erdős distinct subset sums problem in a modular setting, S. Cambie*, J. Gao, Y. Kim, H. Liu (12 pages, submitted (arXiv))

20.  Large complete minors in expanding graphs,  (11 pages, submitted (arXiv))

19.  Linear Secret-Sharing Schemes for k-uniform access structures, Y. Kim*, J. Kwon, and H. Lee  (25 pages, submitted (arXiv))


< 2024 >

 18. Crux, space constraints and subdivisions,  S. Im*, J. Kim, Y. Kim, and H. Liu , To appear in  Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B (arXiv)

< 2022 >

17. The number of k-dimensional corner-free subsets of gridsThe Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2) (2022), # P2. 53.

16. Nested cycles with no geometric crossings, I. G. Fernandez, J. Kim*, Y. Kim,  and H. Liu,  Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (9)  (2022) 22-32.

15. Hypergraph based Berge hypergraphs, M. Balko, D. Gerbner, D. Kang, Y. Kim*, and C. Palmer,  Graphs and Combinatorics 38 (2022) #11.

< 2020 >

14. Erdos-Ko-Rado Type Theorems for simplicial complexes via algebraic shifting, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 57 (6), (2020) 1323-1333.

13.  Comparison of graph clustering methods for analyzing the mathematical subject, K. Choi, Y. Kim*,  D. Lee*, and J. Lee,  Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods 27 (5), (2020) 569–578.

12.  n-tuple Jordan product commuting maps with a $\lambda$-Aluthge transform, Y. Kim* and E. Ko,  Operators and Matrices  14 (2), (2020) 305-316.

11. Tree decompositions of graphs without large bipartite holes, J. Kim, Y. Kim and H. Liu*,  Random Structures and Algorithms 57 (1), (2020) 150-168.

< 2019 >

10. Two Conjectures in Ramsey Turan Theory, J. Kim, Y. Kim and H. Liu*,  SIAM J. Discrete Math. 33 (1), (2019) 564-586.

< 2017 >

9.  Sparse spanning k-connected subgraphs in tournaments, D. Kang, J. Kim*, Y. Kim, and G. Suh,  SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31, (2017)  2206-2227.

8. On the number of r-matchings in a tree, D. Kang, J. Kim, Y. Kim*, and H. Law,  The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 24 (1) (2017), # P1. 24. 

 < 2016 >

7.  Dynamic coloring of graphs having no K_5 minor, Y. Kim, S. Lee* and S.  Oum,  Discrete Applied Math.  206 (2016) 81-89.

 < 2015 >

6. Identifying codes and searching with balls in graphs, Y. Kim, M. Kumbhat, Z.  Nagy, B. Patkos, A. Pokrovskiy, and M. Vizer*,  Discrete Applied Math. 193 (2015) 39-47.

5. On the Erdos-Ko-Rado Theorem and the Bollobas Theorem for t intersecting families, D. Kang,  J. Kim, and Y. Kim*European J. Combin. 47 (2015) 68-74.  

4.  A proof of Alon- Babai-Suzuki's Conjecture and Multilinear Polynomials, K. Hwang and Y. Kim*European J. Combin. 43 (2015) 289-294.   

 < 2013 >

3.  Cycle-saturated graphs with minimum number of edges, Z. Furedi and Y. Kim*,   Journal of Graph Theory 73 (2013) 203-215.   

2.  The structure of the typical graphs of given diameter, Z. Furedi and Y. Kim*,   Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013) 155-163.   

 < 2012 >

1.   Large B_d-free and union-free subfamilies, J. Barat, Z. Furedi*, I. Kantor, Y. Kim and B. Patkos,    SIAM J. Discrete Math. 26, (2012) 71-76.  

0. Problems in extremal combinatorics, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Illinois,  December 2011. 

<Refereed Conference Papers >