

Dynamics of Organizational Collaboration; Innovation in Emerging Technological Field; Top Management and Organization Change; Performance Feedback and Corporate Strategy; Social Networks and Entrepreneurship


Journal Article 

Kim Y, Kotha R, Rhee M. 2024. Do Firms with Technological Capabilities Rush In? Evidence from the Timing of Licensing of Stanford Inventions. Journal of Business Research (online first) Link 

Jeong Y, Kim Y, Min K. 2023. Commercialization Time and Licensing Performance of University Inventions: The Moderating Role of University Inventors. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management (online first) Link 

Chang S, Kim Y, Park S. 2023. Interunit Executive Redeployment in Multiunit Firms: Evidence from Korean Business Groups. Organization Science ( online first)  Link

Min K, Lee C, Kim Y. 2022. The Impact of the Timing of Patent Allowance on Technology Licensing Performance: Evidence from University Invention Commercialization. R&D Management  52(4): 633-49  Link 

Hong S, Kim J, Woo H, Kim Y, Lee C. 2022. Screening Ideas in the Early Stages of Technology Development: A Word2vec and Convolutional Neural Network Approach. Technovation 112: 102407  Link

Kim Y, Lee, C, Kwon O, Ahn J. 2021. “Valuation of University-Originated Technologies: A Predictive Analytics Approach.” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 68(6): 1813-1825  Link

Kim Y, Shin T, Park S. 2021. "Enhancing Firm Performance Through Intra-Group Managerial Experience: Evidence from Group-Affiliated Firms in Korea." Asia Pacific Journal of Management 38(2): 435-465 Link 

Choi J, Rhee M, Kim Y. 2019. "Performance Feedback and Problemistic Search:  The Moderating Effects of Managerial and Board Outsiderness." Journal of Business Research 102:21-33 Link

Kim Y, Rhee M, Kotha R. 2019. "Many Hands: The Effect of the Prior Inventor-Intermediaries Relationship on Academic Licensing." Research Policy 48(3):813-829 Link

Makarevich  A, Kim Y. 2019. "Following in Partners’ Footsteps: An Uncertainty-reduction Perspective on Firms’ Choice of New Markets for Entry." Journal of Management Studies 56(7): 1314-1344 Link

Kim Y, Rhee M. 2018. "Professional Collaboration in Technological Innovation: A Case of Technology Licensing of University Inventions." Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 30(11): 1351-1363 Link

Rhee M, Kim Y. 2018. “Organizational Attention and Learning under Regulatory Intervention: Governmental Investigation into Auto Engine Quality.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 35(3): 457-472 Link

Chung C, Kim Y. 2018. "Global Institution and Local Filtering: Introducing Independent Directors to Taiwanese Corporate Board." International Sociology 33(3): 292-314 (This article has been selected as "Topic of the Month" in July 2019 by the International Sociology Editorial Team) Link 

Szeto M, Kim Y. 2018. "Costs and Benefits of Business Government Relations." International Journal of Business and Society 19(1): 219-232 Link

Kim Y, Chung C-N. 2018. "Organizational Change under Institutional Logics: Family Control of Corporate Boards in Taiwan." Sociological Perspectives 61(3):444-466 Link

Kim Y, Cha H & Kim T. 2017. “Ahkera Smart Tech: A High-Tech Venture’s Global Entrepreneurship in Asia.” Asian Case Research Journal 21(2): 331-346. Link

Kim Y. 2017. "A Qualitative Research on the Organizing and Institutionalizing Processes of Social Venture Entrepreneurship." (in Korean)  Journal of the Korean Entrepreneurship 12(5):19-43  Link

Kim Y. 2017. "Social Network Research in Organization Studies." (in Korean) Korean Journal of Management 25(3): 19-47 Link

Kim Y, Lu J W, Rhee M. 2012. “Learning from Age Difference: Interorganizational Learning and Survival in Japanese Foreign Subsidiaries.” Journal of International Business Studies 43(8):719-745. Link

Kim Y, Rhee M. 2010. “The Contingent Effect of Social Networks on Organizational Commitment: A Comparison of Instrumental and Expressive Ties in a Multinational High-Tech Company.” Sociological Perspectives 53(4): 479-502 (The 2010 Distinguished Contribution to Sociological Perspectives Award, Pacific Sociological Association) Link

Rhee M, Kim Y, Han J. 2006. “Confidence in Imitation: Niche-Width Strategy in the U.K. Automobile Industry.” Management Science 52(4): 501-513 Link

Kim Y.  1998. “A Structural Analysis of Firm-Market Affiliation Networks in the Korean System Integration Industry.” Development and Society 27 (2): 101-116 Link

Other Research Work 

Kim Y. 2024. Institutional Entrepreneurship and Resource Mobilization of Social Entrepreneurs in Korea: Case and Data Analyses. (in Japanese) Comparative Study of Social Enterprises in Japan and Korea. Akashishoten Publisher.

In J, Kim Y, Kim M, Kim Y, Han H, Lee S. 2021. Reframing for New Insights and Opportunities. Hankyungsa.

Choi Y, Kim Y, Lee J, Bae J. 2020. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Role of Managerial Characteristics and Interorganizational Relationships. Hankyungsa

Kim Y. 2019. "Social Network Research in Organization Studies." (in Korean) Handbook of Management. Cloudnine Publisher.

Choi Y, Kim Y, Lim C, Woo H-G. 2019. Technology Management: Theoretical  Perspectives and Data Analytics. Hankyungsa. 

Kong S, Lim H-C, Kim Y, Kim T, Park M & Jung Y. 2018. Renewing Civil Society in Korea (in Korean) Zininzin.  Link

Choi Y, Kim Y, Lim D, Woo H. 2018. Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Organization. Hankyungsa. 

Kim Y, Kong S, Hong J. 2016. A Study on Innovation Networks and Platforms (in Korean). Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning Link

Kim Y. 2009. The Rise of Organized Transfer: Institutional Learning of Technology Transfer. VDM Publishing Group. Link

Work in Progress

Founder Work Experience and Technological Innovation

Equality Norms in Licensing Contracts

Gendered Management: Evidence from Korean Firms 

Social Enterprises' External Linkages to Societal Sectors 

Knowledge Coupling and Climate Innovation