
Brad Moser is the Director of Blended Learning for the Blue Valley School District in Overland Park, Kansas. He recently was the Education Technology Supervisor at Belton School District #124 near Kansas City, MO. He is passionate about the effective use of technology in education.

He taught high school physics ​ at Webb City High School, Webb City, MO​.

He earned a master’s degree from the University of Missouri in Information Science and Learning ​ ​ Technologies and a bachelor’s degree from Brigham ​ ​ Young University in Physics Teaching.

He has ​attended the ISTE, Morenet, edcamp, CoSN, Interface, and AAPT conferences. He has presented at ISTE, MSBA and RPDC Conferences.

He continues to discover innovative uses of new technologies for the classroom. He promotes others and himself to #learnforever.