
Research Interests:

Partial Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics, Traffic Flow Models, Dispersive Water Waves

Google Scholar, GSU Math Physics Seminar


[12] Yongki Lee.

An extension of Seliger's wave breaking condition for the nonlocal Whitham type equation, arXiv:2210.13405, 2022

[11] Yongki Lee.

On the Riccati dynamics of 2D Euler-Poisson equations with attractive forcing, Nonlinearity, 2022

[10] Yongki Lee, Changhui Tan.

A sharp critical threshold for a traffic flow model with look-ahead dynamics, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2022

[9] Yongki Lee.

Wave breaking in a class of non-local conservation laws, Journal of Differential Equations, 2020

[8] Yongki Lee.

Traffic flow models with looking ahead relaxation and behind intensification, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2020

[7] Yongki Lee.

Thresholds for shock formation in traffic flow models with nonlocal-concave-convex flux, Journal of Differential Equations, 2019

[6] Yongki Lee.

Upper-thresholds for shock formation in two-dimensional weakly restricted Euler-Poisson equations, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2017

[5] Yongki Lee.

Blow-up conditions for two dimensional modified Euler-Poisson equations, Journal of Differential Equations, 2016

[4] Yongki Lee, Hailiang Liu.

Threshold for shock formation in the hyperbolic Keller-Segel model, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2015

[3] Yongki Lee, Hailiang Liu.

Thresholds for shock formation in traffic flow models with Arrhenius look-ahead dynamics(with Hailiang Liu), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A, 2015

[2] Yongki Lee, Hailiang Liu.

Thresholds in three-dimensional restricted Euler-Poisson equation, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2013

[1] Threshold dynamics in hyperbolic partial differential equations. Ph.D. Thesis, Iowa State University, 2014

Preliminary reports:

  • Global solutions for the two dimensional Euler-Poisson system with attractive forcing, arXiv:2007.07960

  • On the Riccati dynamics of the Euler-Poisson equations with zero background state, arXiv:2009.00580