Fun Life in Hong Kong

Hong Kong (香港) is a unique place for the exploration of the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. Mixed Chinese and Western architecture and buildings are commonly found in the city. The population consists of people from culturally diverse backgrounds. As an international city, most of the population speak both Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and English. Hong Kong is one of the best places to get an exciting taste of "East meets West" without any language barrier. You may wish to learn more about this vibrant city at Discover Hong Kong. HKU provides researchers and students with a fully international environment. According to Times Higher Education 2022, HKU is ranked the 1st in the most international universities in the world.

Our research team regularly recruit and host international and local talents. We have hosted researchers from countries in six continents, including Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Pakistan, Tunisia, and USA. If you are looking for research positions (e.g., Post-doctoral researcher, Ph.D./M.Phil. student, and research assistant) or short-term research experience (e.g., visiting student), please feel free to contact me at yhkuo at