🧑‍🏫 Colloquium 2024-2025
The St Andrews pure maths colloquium runs Thursdays at 16:00 in Lecture Theatre D of the Mathematical Institute. Â
Here is the schedule for semester 2, 2024/5.Â
30 January
Cagri Sert (University of Warwick). Â
Projections of self-affine fractals
(This talk will take place in Lecture Theatre B)
6 February
Ian Short (Open University)
13 February
Alessio Cela (University of Cambridge)
Stability of Tangent Bundles and Tevelev Degrees of Hirzebruch Surfaces
20 February
Thomas Bloom (University of Manchester). Cancelled.Â
27 February
Rebecca Waldecker (University of Halle-Wittenberg)
The Classification of Finite Simple Groups - history, applications and many open questions.
13 March
Laura Ciobanu (Heriot-Watt University)
Equations in groups: between decidability and undecidability
27 March
Vaibhav Gadre (University of Glasgow)
17 April
Hongyi Huang (University of Bristol)
Here is the schedule for semester 1, 2024/5.
3 OctoberÂ
10 October
Mike Hochman (The Hebrew University)
17 October
Tim Austin (University of Warwick)
Notions of entropy in ergodic theory and representation theory
24 October
31 October
Anthea Monod (Imperial College)
7 November
Dominique Maldague (University of Cambridge)
An intersection of CS and harmonic analysis: approximating matrix p to q norms
14 November
Aditya Kolachana (Indian Institute of Technology)
21 November
Martin Ulirsch (Goethe University Frankfurt)
28 November
Uzu Lim (University of Oxford)