
Replication Data:

Ascencio, Sergio J., and Yann P. Kerevel. 2020. “Party Strategy, Candidate Selection and Legislative Behavior in Mexico.” Legislative Studies Quarterly. [replication data]

Kerevel, Yann P. 2019. “Empowering Women? Gender Quotas and Women’s Political Careers.” Journal of Politics 81(4): 1167-1180. [replication data]

Kerevel, Yann P., and Lonna Rae Atkeson. 2015. “Reducing Stereotypes of Female Political Leaders in Mexico.” Political Research Quarterly 68(4): 732-744. [replication data]

Kerevel, Yann P., and Lonna Rae Atkeson. 2013. “Explaining the Marginalization of Women in Legislative Institutions.” Journal of Politics 75(4): 980-992. [replication data]

Roll Call Data from Mexico State/Estado de México Legislature

These data were collected from the website of the Mexico State Legislature. All original data are a series of PDFs of individual votes. Stata files of the LVIII votes were created for analysis. I am working on coding roll call votes for the previous three terms. They will be uploaded when completed. The "Long" file has each individual vote as the unit of analysis while the "Wide" file has each deputy as the unit of analysis. Please use the following citation for any use of these data:

Kerevel, Yann P., and Cassie M. Knott. Forthcoming. “La disciplina partidista en el congreso local del Estado de México, 2012-2015.” In Sergio A. Bárcena Juárez, Gustavo A. López Montiel and Rosa María Mirón Lince, eds. Los congresos locales en México: la representación politica en el contexto de las reformas electorales. Ciudad de México: ITESM, UNAM, Senado de la República y Instituto Belisario Domínguez.

LVIII Legislature (2012-2015) [Long Version.dta] [Wide version.dta] [Original data]

LVII Legislature (2009-2012) [original data]

LVI Legislature (2006-2009) [original data]

LV Legislature (2003-2006) [original data]

Budget Amendments in Mexico's Chamber of Deputies:

Kerevel, Yann P. 2015. “Pork-barreling without Reelection? Evidence from the Mexican Congress.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 40(1): 137-166.

Please cite the above article for any use of these data.

[raw data on puntos de acuerdo related to budget]