Mt. Fuji visibility


I am sure everyone has thought about taking a trip to Mount Fuji at least once. When planning a long-distance trip, it is typical to make arrangements several months in advance. However, accurately predicting the weather several months ahead remains challenging. Nonetheless, on a special trip like this, everyone would want to see Mount Fuji on a clear, beautiful day. I scraped and analyzed publicly available visibility data to quantify the seasonal variations in visibility of Mount Fuji. This revealed the best season and optimal time for viewing Mount Fuji.

(技術的な説明はとりあえず割愛しますが、富士山定点観測などのオープン監視カメラ情報をスクレイピングし、快晴、曇り、雨など数シーンでの富士山の視認性を数値化した教師データを作成し、それらをa few-shot learningで学習し識別器を作成しました。)


Here are the averaged visibility scores of Mount Fuji throughout a day. The sampling period covers approximately one year, from 2014 to 2015. Looking at this period as a whole, visibility deteriorates during the summer and improves from autumn to winter. The visibility scores reach their peak around January during the winter season and gradually decrease again in spring.


Next, here are the results of visibility by time slots. As you can see, the scores decrease as the day progresses. This is likely correlated with the amount of water vapor in the air. If you want to view Mount Fuji, it would be best to go early in the morning.


Based on these results, it can be said that "winter is preferable for viewing Mount Fuji" and "if you can only visit during the summer vacation, go early in the morning!" In fact, these findings really correspond with my experiences. Actually in my childhood, I came with my family to climb Mount Fuji during the summer vacation, but it rained all the time, and I could not see Mount Fuji. That's why I conducted this analysis, thinking that being aware of such pre-information could be helpful to others in some way.