Python Programming (Spring 2018)

Course slides:

  • 02/26: Course Introduction (slides), Python Installation(slides)

  • 03/05:

    • Basic Data Types (slides) (20180305 notebook)

    • Basic Container Types (slides)

  • 03/12: Operators (slides)

  • 03/19: Control Flow (if-else, while and for) (slides) (20180319 notebook)

  • 03/26: Functions (slides) (20180326 notebook)

  • 04/02: Functions (20180402 notebook)

  • 04/09: Modules (slides) (20180409 notebook)

  • 04/16: Basic Concept of Object-oriented Language: object, class, and Inherit part1 (slides) (code)

  • 04/23: Midterm Exam (problem_set) (grade) (code)

  • 04/30: Basic Concept of Object-oriented Language: object, class, and Inherit part2 (slides) (code)

  • 05/07: open() and CSV module (slides) (video)

  • 05/14: open() and CSV module (data) (notebook)

  • 05/21: Numpy (slides) (video) (notebook)

  • 05/28: Matplotlib (slides) (video) (notebook)

  • 06/04: Pandas (slides) (video)

  • 06/11: Final Exam (problem_set) (grade)

  • 06/18: Dragon Boat Festival

  • 學期總成績

Bi-weekly Exercise:

  • 團體練習成績

  • 2018_0312 Problem_set (notebook)

  • 2018_0326 Problem_set (notebook)

  • 2018_0409 Problem_set (notebook)

  • 2018_0507 Problem_set (code)

  • 2018_0521 Problem_set (notebook)

  • 2018_0604 Problem_set (notebook)

Side Project: