Deep learning Fall 2021

TA: 徐雋崴

Codes in the lectures


  • 09/13: Course introduction (slides)

  • 09/20: Mid-autumn Festival

  • 09/27: Machine Learning for beginner (slides)

  • 10/04: Basic Concept of Neural Networks (slides)

  • 10/11: Double Ten Holiday

  • 10/18: AutoEncoder and Word2Vec (slides)

  • 10/25: Basic Concept of Convolutional Neural Netowrks (slides)

  • 11/01: Basic Concept of Recurrent Neural Networks (slides)

  • 11/15: Convolutional RNN + CTC (slides) / Transformer (student presentation)

  • 11/22: Exercise 1 Review / Adam (student presentation)

  • 11/29: Explainable AI (slides) / VGGNet (student presentation)

  • 12/06: Malware Classification (slides) / Dropout (student presentation)

  • 12/13: Variational AutoEncoder (slides) / BERT (student presentation)
