
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) Matlab Code:

Reference: "Latent dirichlet allocation", DM Blei, AY Ng, MI Jordan - the Journal of machine Learning research, 2003.

Source Code of my Implementation: [download]

Discrete Hidden Markov Models Matlab Code:

Reference: "A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in speech recognition", LR Rabiner - Proceedings of the IEEE, 1989

Source Code of my Implementation: [download]

Latent Dirichlet Hidden Markov Models Matlab Code:

Reference: "Characterizing A Database of Sequential Behaviors with Latent Dirichlet Hidden Markov Models", Yin Song, Longbing Cao, Xuhui Fan, Wei Cao and Jian Zhang. Technical Report.

Source Code of my Implementation: [download]