I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Biostatistics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, under the supervision of Drs. Haibo Zhou and Jianwen Cai. Prior to joining UNC Charlotte, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, under the supervision of Dr. Yingqi Zhao. 

My research interests include personalized medicine, survival analysis, machine learning, causal inference, and cost-effective sampling. Specifically, I aim to develop novel and efficient statistical and machine learning methods to discover optimal individualized treatment rules that maximize healthcare quality. Applications of my work include improving health outcomes for patients with depression and monitoring complex diabetic patients. Another major area of my research is survival analysis, particularly the development of novel and flexible semiparametric models. My work is supported by the National Science Foundation.



Students supervised

First job: Assistant Professor of Statistics, Colby College

ENAR distinguished student paper award (2023).