

Wang, Yao-Chin, Yi-Lin Tsai, and Rachel J.C. Fu (2o22). “Pipeline Speed of Chain-Branded Hotels in the U.S.: A Dynamic Competition Perspective,International Journal of Hospitality Management.

Tsai, Yi-Lin and Elisabeth Honka (2021). "Informational and Non-Informational Advertising Contents," Marketing Science, 40(6):1030-1058

Moisseiev, Elad, Yi-Lin Tsai, Michal Herzenstein (2021). “Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: An Economic Cost-Risk Analysis of Anti-VEGF agents,Ophthalmology Retina.

Tsai, Yi-Lin and Sean C. Chen (2021). “The Joint Effect of Changes in Physical Activity and Weight on Incident Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease,” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75: 1215-1221.

Tsai, Yi-Lin and Elisabeth Honka (2019). “Non-Informational Advertising Informing Consumers: How Advertising Affects Consumers' Decision-Making in the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry,” MSI Working Paper Series.

Ji, Xin (Jane), Yi-Lin Tsai and Adam Fleischhacker (2019). "A Uniqueness-Driven Similarity Measure for Automated Competitor Identification," International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, 12(2)

Tsai, Chen-Hao and Yi-Lin Tsai (2018). "Competitive Retail Electricity Market under Continuous Price Regulation,” Energy Policy, 114, 274-287

Tsai, Yi-Lin, Chekitan Dev and Pradeep Chintagunta (2015). "What’s in a Brand Name: Assessing the Value of Rebranding in the Hospitality Industry," Journal of Marketing Research, 52(6), 865-878. [Online Appendix]

Working Paper

Tsai, Yi-Lin, Herzenstein, Michal, Dan Horsky, and Tzachi Zach (2024). “Advertising and the IPO Price Revision Process.” (under review)

Tsai, Yi-Lin, Mark Ratchford, Daniel Mouchon, and Marina Girju (2022). "Situationally Triggered Consumption: The Effect of Sports Viewing on Snacking Incidence."

Honka, Elisabeth and Yi-Lin Tsai (2022). "Coordination between Pricing and Advertising: Empirical Evidence from the U.S. Auto Insurance Industry."

Tsai, Yi-Lin, Chekitan Dev and Pradeep Chintagunta (2021). "The Effects of Sharing Economy Firms on Traditional Markets: A Study of the Lodging Industry"

Research in Progress 

Consumers Learning from Advertising Contents (with Elisabeth Honka)

The Politics of Offline Consumer Search for Single Family Homes (with Keith Chen, Julia Levine, and Ryne Rohla)

Modeling Cross-Device Purchase Journey on eCommerce Platforms (with Yiyi Li and Yiping Song)