Current Position

Associate professor since 2024. 02

        Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan


2018 - 2024       Assistant Professor 

                            Department of Physics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

2016 - 2018       Assistant Research Fellow 

                            Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

2014 - 2016       Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 

                            5. Physikalisches Institut, Universität Stuttgart, Germany                

2011 - 2014        Postdoctoral Researcher 

                            Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

2013/3               Visiting Scholar, 

                            Laser Centre of the University of Latvia, Latvia

2008 - 2011       Lecturer (General Physics Laboratory), 

                            Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

2007 - 2008      Teaching Assistant, Electrodynamics PHYS 5310

2006 - 2007      Intern Physics Teacher, 

                            National Tainan Girls’ Senior High School, Taiwan

2004 - 2005      Teaching Assistant, Thermal Physics PHYS 3250


2007 - 2011        Ph.D. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 

                            Thesis title: All-Optical Switching Based on Motionless Light Pulses 

2004 - 2006      M.S. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 

                            Thesis title: Realization of Bose-Einstein Condensation

2000 - 2004      B.S. in Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan

Honors and Awards

1.        獲得十一次中山大學教學優良課程

2.        台綜大112年輕學者創新選拔優等獎

3.        台綜大108年輕學者創新選拔佳作獎

4.        Humboldt Research Fellowship 2014-2016 

5.        2014 Postdoctoral Researcher Publication Award, from Ministry of Science and Technology of Republic of China(博士後研究人員學術著作獎).

6.        2012 Postgraduates Student Thesis Award from the Physical Society of Republic of China

7.        2006 Award of Wu Chien-Siung Scholarship from the Physical Society of Republic of China (吳健雄獎學金)

8.        2003莙政學者獎學金,於清華進行專題研究

9.        2002莙政學者獎學金,赴蘇州大學進行學術交流

Popular Science Articles

Y. H. Chen, Y. C. Chen, and I. A. Yu, “High-Efficiency Coherent Light Storage for the Application of Quantum Memory,” Bulletin of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies, vol. 26, p. 3 (2016).online

陳易馨、余怡德,“慢光與光儲存在量子資訊科學之應用”,物理雙月刊 30 卷5 期,p.524-532(2008 年10 月)。CPS Physics Bimonthly, vol. 30, p.524-532 (2008).


陳易馨、余怡德,“可調式光學濾波器以及可調式光學濾波器模組”,台灣專利No. 201541126 (2015).


2023 General Physics 普通物理(大一)

2021, 2023 Quantum Optics 量子光學(碩博)

2019 Modern Physics 近代物理 (大一)

2018 Mathematica for General Physics 基礎物理數學 (大一)

2018-2022 Optics Physics 光學(大三)


水清木華:鳥語啁啾蟲蛙鳴 翠錦斑斕清華行 ,清華大學保育社合著,陳易馨  文編。Relevant reports 1 2 3