
Current Research Projects

     My research has five main achievements: (1) Theoretical and experimental studies of Rydberg-Rydberg interaction. (2) High contrast (Rydberg) EIT spectral measurements and their applications in thermal vapors. (3) Investigation of alkali vapor diffusion characteristics through microchannels. (4). Numerical study of large cross-phase modulation with stationary light pulses. (5) Population accumulation within a specific Zeeman state via microwave spectroscopy. 

We also start to invesitgate optically pumped magnetometer (OPM) technique, which is based on gaseous atoms for sensitively probing  magnetic field. Laser light is used to prepare the quantum-mechanical state of the atoms and read out the effect of a magnetic field on this state. The long-term vision will combine this OPM technique with miniaturized devices.

Research Interests and Achievements

I am interested in the studies of Rydberg atom systems. We are seeking to develop the potential applications based on the strong optical nonlinear induced by Rydberg blockade effect. Combined Rydberg atoms with optical nanofibers, the system opens the way towards the single-photon-level nonlinearity, which can be applied for the demonstration of fiber-based quantum devices. A high contrast Rydberg-EIT spectroscopy has been realized with thermal vapors.

My main research interest is studying the optical nonlinearity based on the EIT effect. In 2012, we achieved a high efficiency photon switching technique by applying two motionless light pulses. In 2016, we employed a double-EIT system and observed 3.6 radians phase shift induced by a light pulse containing only 8 photons. Moreover, we realized a high-efficiency quantum memory in 2013, and a memory with efficiency of 92% has recently been achieved by our collaborative group. 

In my master’s degree study period from 2004 to 2006, we experimentally realized the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in 87Rb system.
