

Ptyhion in Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece.

M.Sc in Mathematics, University of Warwick, U.K.

Ph.D in Mathematics, University of Warwick, U.K .

Supervisor: Dr. Alan Robinson.

Post-Doctoral Studies, University of Strasbourg, France.

Supervisor: Pr. J.-L. Loday.

Current Position

Assistant Professor,  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

Research Area

My general research interests lie in Algebra, Homological Algebra,  Operads.

Research Activities

For the period 1/4/2014-31/5/2014, I was invited at Max-Planck-Institut, Bonn, Germany.

For the period 5/1/2013-26/4/2013, I have been a visitor fellow  for the program Grothendieck-Teichmüller Groups, Deformation and Operads  at the Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, U.K.


[1] I. Dokas, “Quillen-Barr-Beck (co-) homology for restricted Lie algebras”, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 186 (2004), no.1, 33-42,  MR2025911.

[2] I. Dokas, J.-L. Loday, “On restricted Leibniz algebras”, Communications in Algebra, 34 (2006), no.12, 4467-4478, MR2273718 .

[3] I. Dokas, “Triple cohomology and divided powers algebras in prime characteristic”, Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 87, (2009), no.2, 161-173, MR2551116 .

[4] I. Dokas, “Zinbiel algebras and commutative algebras with divided powers”, Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 52, no. 2, (2010), 303-313, MR2610974.

[5] I. Dokas, “Cohomology of restricted Lie-Rinehart algebras and the Brauer group”, Advances in Mathematics, 231 (2012), no.5, 2573-2592, MR2970460.

[6] I. Dokas, “Pre-Lie algebras in prime characteristic”, Journal of Lie Theory, 23, (2013), no. 4, 937-952,  arXiv.

[7] I. Dokas, “Torsors and the Quillen-Barr-Beck cohomology for restricted Lie algebras”, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 17, no. 1, (2015), 203-234.

[8] I. Dokas, "On the structure of A/k-bialgebras in prime characteristic", Communications in Algebra, 47, no.2, (2019), 719-734.

[9] I. Dokas,  "On Kähler differentials of divided power algebras",  Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures, (2023).



e-mail: yiannis.dokas@gmail.com   Cc: iodokas@ math.uoa.gr