
Current courses

In the Fall of 2019, I am tutoring the course on Differentiable Manifolds (lectured by Prof. I. Sachs and Prof. T. Vogel). The (old) lecture notes can be found here.

I am also teaching a graduate course (joint with Prof. T. Vogel) on Contact Topology. The to-be-completed lecture notes can be found here.

Past courses

Spring 2017, Århus, Master's course on Differential Geometry.

Fall 2016, Århus, Master's course (joint with Marcel Bökstedt) on Topological K-theory.

Spring 2016, Århus, Master's course (joint with Marcel Bökstedt) on Symplectic topology. The lecture notes can be found here.

Fall 2014, Århus, Master's course on Knot theory.