Video See-Through Face Mounted Display / Eye-Socket Mounted Display


We developed a new video see-through face mounted display (VST-FMD) that realizes to share experience between people. For that, the users basically share visual sensation between VST-FMD wearers. This FMD is composed of mirrors, cameras, face-mounted display. The layout of the devices for vision is precisely designed to be able to share the first person perspectives. The cameras are placed at the optically same place at the eyes so that the cameras capture what subjects would see if they do not wear the FMD. The captured images of both users are blended on a single view. By adjusting blending parameters, the views are 50-50 blended or swapped.

The new device has three advantages. One is that the weight of the system is drastically lighter than an established one. The second is stand-alone system. In this system, the user can wear all components. Therefore, it is possible to extend user’s behavior range. The third is simplicity in wearing the system. The display is bonded to goggles. The edges of the goggles are covered with soft rubber so that the eyes and goggles maintain close contact. There is no need to adjust the distance between the two displays to a user’s interocular distance. These features can make more efficient of skill training and expand sphere of activity.

By wearing this FMD, the users can experience to learn skills such as how to play theremin, do a basic trick of a diabolo, paper folding, balloon twisting and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The users can learn those skills while watching the skilled person’s view from the person’s perspective and imitating the person’s motions as if the displayed motion is their own. By following the skilled person’s motion the users can intuitively learn the skills.