Funny Photo
My Chinese name

I grow up in a city in southern China. Before I came to United States, I spent seven years in Beijing and really enjoyed my life there. Now I miss my friends in Beijing very much (well, some of them are no longer in Beijing now).

What do I do for fun?

    • I play two hours basketball every Sunday morning in the park close to my place, with lots of friends.

    • My blog about programming and Linux: I have a few posts there and will make more when I have time, and passion of course.

    • Tai Chi: I am practicing Tai Chi Ch'uan short form and long form, Yang style. The Tai Chi family tree traces my lineage back to Master Sim Pooh Ho, Wu Tu Nan, and Wu Jian Quan.

    • Bay Area Hiker: I started to become a fan of hiking since the spring of 2009. So far we have accomplished 6 trails in bay area.

    • Web comic strips: Piled Higher and Deeper, Spiked Math, and Dilbert are my favorite.

    • Funny apps:

Sites developed/maintained by my friends and me

Links for my friends

Just drop me a message if you feel left out.

Xing Wang, Jian Qiu, Xinwei Hu, Yi Wang, Xin Liu, Jia Ming, Yangbo Zhu, Shijin Kong, Liang Chen, Liang Zhang, Guohan Lu, Lei Zhou, Hua Yu.

"He's the kind of a guy who lights up a room just by flicking a switch." -- Unknown

BSD Daemon