
VOA Burmese Interview: Voice Tra နဲ့ မြန်မာဘာသာပြန် (22 December 2023)

Video Link:

MRTV news of ICCA2018 conference, Yangon, Myanmar

(I got chance to make a demo of our developing Myanmar-Rakhine machine translation)

Demo video of how to practice kKg keyboard layout (Released on 17 July 2017)

Yangon Panorama TV Program of MRTV4 about ICCA2016 Conf., 25-26 Feb, 2016, Yangon, Myanmar

(including interview of my attending and introduction of VoiceTra App) 

MRTV News of ICCA 2016 Conference, 25-26 Feb, 2016, Yangon, Myanmar 

(including interview of VoiceTra demo booth of UCSY & NICT)

VoiceTra (Myanmar Language) Press Release News on TV:

Demo of VoiceTra App