
Last Update June 2024

Yasunori Okumura

E-mail: okuyasu7878(at)gmail.com  (Please replace (at) with @.)


B.A., Economics, Yokohama City University, Japan 2001

M.A., Economics, Keio University, Japan 2003

Ph.D., Economics, Keio University, Japan 2007

Current and Previous Positions

2004.4–2006.3  Research Assistant, Faculty of Economics, Keio University

2006.10–2007.9  Researcher, the Mistubishi Economic Research Institute

2008.4–2010.3  Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics, Kanagawa University

2010.4–2011.3  Full-time Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Hannan University

2011.4–2015.3  Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Hannan University

2015.4–2024.3 Associate Professor, Department of Logistics and Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

2024.4- Professor, Department of Logistics and Information Engineering, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology

Doctoral Thesis

Three Essays on Game Theoretic Analysis of Firms’ Voluntary Cooperation and Market Outcomes


The Economic Analysis of Advertising —A Microeconomic Approach— (in Japanese). Tokyo: The Mistubishi Economic Research Institute

Papers in Refereed Journal (Written in English)

A Network Formation Process Converges to the Complete Collaboration Network. Mathematical Social Sciences 2007 53(2), 134-139.

A Note on Propositions 7 and 8 of Goyal and Moraga (2001). Economics Bulletin 2007 12 (28),1-6.

A Dynamic Analysis of Collusive Networks. Review of Economic Design. 2011 15(4), 317-336. 

Spatial Competition and Collaboration Networks. International Journal of Game Theory 2012 41(3), 455-472.

Privatization Neutrality Theorem Revisited. Economics Letters 2013 118(2), 324-326. (joint work with Toshihiro Matsumura)

Strategic Location Choice and Network Formation for Entry. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 2014 170(2), 201-224. (joint work with Keizo Mizuno)

Comparison between Specific Taxation and Volume Quotas in a Free Entry Cournot Oligopoly. Journal of 

Economics 2014 113, 125-132. (joint work with Toshihiro Matsumura)

Free Trade Networks on Non-tariff Barriers. Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 2015 15(3), 223-238.

Priority Matchings Revisited. Games and Economic Behavior 2014 88, 242–249.

Existence of Free Entry Equilibrium in Aggregative Games with Asymmetric Agents. Economics Letters 2015 127, 14-16.

Volume and Share Quotas in Cournot Competition. Economic Modelling 2015 47, 137-144.

Individual Transferable Quotas in Cournot Competition. Economic Modelling 2016 55, 315-321.

A Stable and Pareto Efficient Update of Matching in School Choice. Economics Letters 2016 143, 111-113.

Asymmetric Equilibria under Price Cap Regulation. Journal of Economics 2017 121(2), 133-151.

Privatization Neutrality Theorem in Free Entry Markets. The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 2017 17(2) (joint work with Toshihiro Matsumura)

A One-Sided Many-to-Many Matching Problem. Journal of Mathematical Economics 2017 72, 104-111.

School Choice with General Constraints: A Market Design Approach for the Nursery School Waiting List Problem in Japan. Japanese Economic Review 2019 70(4), 497-516.

What Proportion of Sincere Voters Guarantees Efficiency? Social Choice and Welfare 2019  53, 299–311.

On the Number of Employed in the Matching Model.  Journal of Mathematical Economics 2019 83, 63-69.  (joint work with Minoru Kitahara)

Rank-dominant Strategy and Sincere Voting. Theory and Decision 2021 90(1), 117-145.

Improving Efficiency in School Choice under Partial Priorities, International Journal of Game Theory 2021 50, 971–987 (joint work with Minoru Kitahara) 

Corrigendum to "Efficiency and stability under substitutable priorities with ties" [J. Econ. Theory 184 (2019) 104950],  Journal of Economic Theory 2022 203,105470 (joint work with Aytek Erdil, Minoru Kitahara and Taro Kumano)

Extensions of Partial Priorities and Stability in School Choice, Mathematical Social Sciences forthcoming (joint work with Minoru Kitahara)  

Unpublished Manuscripts

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