As a Bonn University Ambassador who spent her Ph.D. time in Bonn, I use this page to share a few great research/teaching collaboration opportunities with the University. I am happy to answer any questions about the University and the city!

Return Grants

Target group: Professors and postdocs who spent time at the University of Bonn before

Have you been to the University of Bonn for a research stay before and liked it so much that you would like to return? The University of Bonn’s Return Grant offers funding for a visit! Find out more on the funding line with the deadline July 15 at:

Point of contact in Bonn for further questions about the funding line: 

Dr. Robert Radu

Bonn Graduate Center

 +49 228 73-60222

Santander International Exchange Grant

Target group: Doctoral students

Are you a doctoral student trying to broaden your international network? Are you interested in a research stay at the University of Bonn?  Find more on the funding line Santander International Exchange Grants with deadline June 15 at


Point of contact in Bonn for further questions about the funding line: 

Dr. Robert Radu

Bonn Graduate Center

 +49 228 73-60222