My Akitas

Here are a few pictures of my present and past Akitas


Piper is a 7-year old girl starting retirement. She's a sweet girl with a playful side.


Hunter retired from his show career in December 2014. I had this lovely guy with me until just after his 12th birthday.


Lily was my first white Akita. She enjoyed almost 7 years of her retired life with me.


Tonka was my first male Akita. He had a great spirit.


Mari was Tonka's grandmother and Kita's mom. I brought her home for her retirement. She was with me for 5 years and helped me raise Tonka.


Kita was my first Akita and the best girl ever. Sadly, I only had her in my life for 2 years when she died very unexpectedly.

Last updated: 31 August 2021