How to Tie the Thread Loop

How to tie the thread loop.

Tying the thread loop is necessary to make use of the bead jig and the threading rods. You need to be able to tie it easily or you may not see the benefit of using those tools.

There are two recommended methods of tying the thread loop.

One method of tying the thread loop is shown in these two picures.

    1. Tie the thread to the rosary cord with an overhand knot.

    2. Tie a second overhand knot to make a square knot. Make these knots tight enough to keep the thread from slipping freely over the cord but don't pull them too tightly or the thread will break.

Another method of tying the thread loop is shown in this picture. Start by making an overhand knot but wrap thread around two or three times and pull the ends of the thread to tighten the knot around the rosary cord. This method is the faster of the two.

Next, tie the ends of the thread together to close the loop. If the knot that ties the ends of the thread together is off center, it helps the thread loop stay open and it will be easier to hook the thread loop onto the threading rod.

Some threads are easier to handle than others. Size 40 cotton thread is recommended.