
Cognitive Science & Neural Networks

Teaching experience:

I am also interested in teaching Deep Learning and Large Language Models (LLM). I am a NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute higher education Ambassador 

Here is my profile    

Emmanuel college

2010 - present: "Research Methods in Psychology"; "Quantitative Methods in Behavioral Research " "Cognition";"Methods and Stats I and II"; "Psychology of Language"

    Colgate University

2009 - 2010: "Quantitative Methods in Behavioral Research " (with lab, Psyc 309); "Human Cognition" (Psyc 250); "Language and Thought" (Psyc 355).

    University of Richmond

2008 - 2009: "Research Methods and Statistics " (with lab, Psy 200); "Cognitive Science" (with lab, Psy 333); "Advanced Statistics" (Psy 537); "Multivariate Statistics" (Psy 538).

2007 - 2008: "Introduction to Psychological Science" (Psy 100), group-teaching.

2004 - 2007: Co-teaching "Multivariate Statistics" (Psy 538), "Cognitive Science" (Psy 333) "Cognitive Science Methods" (Psy 334) with Dr. Ping Li.

    Nankai University

1999 - 2000: Teaching Assistant of "Group Theory" at Department of Physics, Nankai University.

Emmanuel  College