Selected Press

[15] Guardian, Green streets: which city has the most trees? Nov 5, 2019.

[14] TIME, How Green Is Your City? In Paris, the Answer Is Not Green Enough. Nov 9th, 2018.

[13] Los Angeles Times, Synonymous with sun, Los Angeles needs more shade, Aug 30, 2018.

[12] Interviewed by German National Radio, deutschlandfunk, Google Street View-Vermessung von Singapurs Schatten, May 20, 2017.

[11] Interviewed by Wall Street Journal, "New Tool Lets Cities See Where Trees Are Needed", April 16, 2017.

[10] Forbes, "Where The Streets Are Paved with Green: Counting Urban Trees", April 26, 2017.

[9] The Guardian, "Stressed street trees: mapping the urban forests to save them, and us", March 28, 2017.

[8] The Guardian, "One day in the life of San Francisco Bay - Mapped", Feb 23, 2017.

[7] Associated Press, "Where are trees? Not Paris, new Green View Index" finds".

[6] CBC News, "Toronto beats NYC, Paris, London in new tree ranking, but experts say more work needed".

[5] Atlantic - CityLab, "Mapping the Urban Tree Canopy in Major Cities".

[4] NextCity, "Mapping Urban Trees in 11 Cities".

[3] Singapore Strait Times, "Singapore tops list of 17 cities with highest greenery density".

[2] Business Insider, "The 7 cities with the most green space around the world".

[1] Silicon Public, "How many trees are in your city? Very few, if you’re Parisian".