Urban Spatial Informatics Lab

Email: jianglix@design.upenn.edu

Twitter: @gis_jiang

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DmlvbiMAAAAJ&hl=en

Medium: https://medium.com/@gis-jiang

lab website: https://www.urbanspatial.info/

July, 2024 - , University of Pennsylvania

July, 2019 - 2024, Temple University


Jan, 2017 - July, 2019, Postdoc Fellow, MIT Senseable City Lab

Ph. D 2016, Department of Geography, University of Connecticut

M.S. 2013, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China,

Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

B.S. 2010, Environmental Science, Henan University

Xiaojiang is an incoming assistant professor at Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania. He is co-founder of Biometeors. He was a tenure-track assistant professor at Department of Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Senseable City Lab. His research focuses on developing and applying geospatial analyses and data-driven approaches in the domain of urban studies. He has proposed to use Google Street View for urban environmental studies and developed the Treepedia project, which aims to map street greenery for cities around the world. He is also working on using human trace data to study human activities and investigate the connection between urban environments and human activities. 

His research interests include Urban Science, Spatial Data Science, data-driven urban environment modeling, mobility and travel behavior profiling, urban computing and spatial analyses, and remote sensing. His research aims to provide a better understanding of human and urban environment systems and explore using digital technologies to benefit human society. His work has been featured in popular media outlets, including TIME, Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, The Guardian, Forbes, Atlantic-Citylab, Associated Press, and MIT News.


5/10/2021, Dr. Li has been  awarded Global Young Scientist Award, World Geospatial Developers Conference

4/10/2021, Dr. Li has been selected as 50 Rising Stars in Geospatial World !!!

05/10, 2020, Present in Conference of The North America: Landscape Ecology, Toronto, Canada

4/6,2020, Present in Annual Conference of American Association of Geographers, Denver, Colorado.

3/25, 2020, Present in American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at Geo Week, DC. 

01/09, 2020, Present in Symposium of Predicting neighborhood change using big data and machine learning at University of California, Berkeley

10/26, 2019, Present in Annual Conference of Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, Greenville, SC.

10/16, 2019, Attend the Spatial Data Science Conference, Columbia University, NY

4/25, 2019, Excited to get Microsft AI for Earth Grant.

3/10, 2019, I am delighted to announce that in July 2019, I will be joining the Department of Geography and Urban Studies at Temple University @TempleGUS as an Assistant Professor.

3/5, 2019, I gave a guest lecture at the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tuft University. 

12/5/2018, I gave a guest lecture "Urban Sensing using Google Street View" and panel discussion at Graduate School of Design, Harvard University