
May 20, 2018: Our new work about group-level happiness intensity estimation (submitted to IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, under revision) is available in arXiv (preview version, but the final version will be updated in future).

May 20, 2019: One joint paper (title: Going beyond what is visible: what multichannel data can reveal about interaction in the context of collaborative learning?) is available in Computers in Human Behavior.

May 17, 2019: Received the Outstanding Reviewer Award at IEEE International Conference on Automatic Faces & Gesture Recognition 2019, Lille, France.

April 10, 2019: Our work (Interactive facial emotion recognition game for children with autism, Jim Gribble from UC-Santa Barbara, USA, Prof. Guoying Zhao from University of Oulu and Xiaohua Huang from University of Oulu) has been accepted as a paper presentation at: University of California, Berkeley’s Annual Education Research Day.

November 29, 2017

Our special issue proposal on Automatic face analytics for human behavior understanding was accepted by Image and Vision Computing Journal. Welcome to submit your new research to our special issue. Additionally, the workshop papers appeared in FaceHUB workshop in conjunction with BMVC2017 and FG2018 will be encouraged to extend it. The detail about paper submission about special issue will be announced later.

November 1, 2017

CALL FOR PAPERS: 8th Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU)

in conjunction with 2nd Int. Workshop on Automatic Face Analytics for Human

Behavior Understanding (FaceHUB) at IEEE Face & Gesture 2018 - Xi'An, 15-19

May 2018

Workshop Description

With development of computer vision and sensor technology, it becomes

possible to analyze human behavior via various ways at different time-scales

and at different levels of interaction and interpretation. Understanding

human behavior automatically opens up enormous possibilities for

human-computer interaction, with a potential of endowing the computers with

a capacity to attribute meaning to users' attitudes, preferences,

personality, social relationships, etc., as well as to understand what

people are doing, the activities they have been engaged in, and their


This workshop aims to inspect developments in selected areas where smarter

computers that can sense human behavior have great potential to

revolutionize the application domain. We ultimately seek to re-define the

relationship between the computer and the interacting human, moving the

computer from a passive observer role to a socially active participant role

and enabling it to drive different kinds of interaction.

The 8th Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU) and 2nd Int.

Workshop on Automatic Face Analytics for Human Behavior Understanding

(FaceHUB) are jointly organized at FG to gather researchers on behavior

analysis and analytics. It will have two specific focus tracks dealing with

"face analytics" and "behavior analysis for smart cars".

Track 1 "Face analytics": There is strong evidence that face analytic for

human behavior understanding could also be highly beneficial in human

computer interaction. Application scenarios include analyzing emotions while

the person is watching emotional movies or advertisements, playing video

games, driving a car, is under health monitoring or crime investigation, or

is participating in interactive tutoring. Furthermore, long-term continuous

monitoring and analysis of expressions provides important information for

assessing personality but also provide cues of psychological disorders.

Track 2 "Behavior analysis for smart cars": The computational capabilities

of cars are rapidly increasing. While a lot of attention is directed towards

what goes on outside the car, and to autonomous driving systems, the inside

of the car is very interesting too. In the transition period from

human-driven cars to fully autonomous cars, there is great interest in

improved driver assistance, safety, and comfort systems. When the fully

autonomous car is realized, there will still be a need for looking inside

the car, for better car-customer interaction.

This workshop will solicit human behavior analysis solutions that clearly

advance the field, and also to propose novel application scenarios. The

covered topics may span items from the following topic dimensions, as well

as target a focus theme challenge:

Human Behavior Analysis Systems


Action and activity recognition

Single and multimodal affect analysis

Gaze, attention and saliency

Gestures and haptic interaction

Learning and adaptation

Social signal processing

Voice and speech analysis

Theory and Methodology of Human Interactive Behaviors


Data collection, annotation, and benchmarking

Interaction design

Theoretical frameworks of behavior analysis

User studies and human factors

Track 1: Face analytics


Automatic deception detection

Deep learning models for facial analysis

Face alignment and fiducial point detection

Continuous and dynamic facial behavior analysis

Emotion recognition in the wild

Temporal models for face analysis

Facial action unit detection and recognition

Group emotion analysis

Long-term behaviors and interaction

Micro-expression detection, recognition and understanding

Spontaneous affect databases: collection and annotation

Cross-domain facial expression recognition

Spontaneous facial expression analysis

Multimodal emotion recognition

Track 2: Behavior analysis for smart cars


Advanced driver assistance systems, assisting elderly drivers

Behavior analysis for car safety

Car driving simulation analysis

Driver identification and biometrics

Driver's face monitoring, drowsiness and fatigue detection

Head pose and attention tracking

Human factors and driver personalization

Human-car interaction

In-car social signals: aggression, frustration, boredom

Multimodal interactive systems in cars

Posture assessment and comfort analysis


Submission site is open, and accessible at:

Each paper will be reviewed by at least two members of the scientific

Program Committee, in double-blind fashion. The submitted papers should

present original work, not currently under review elsewhere and should have

no substantial overlap with already published work. Submissions should be

submitted in PDF and should be no more than 8 pages in IEEE FG 2018 paper

format. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of IEEE FG 2018

and Workshops and will be sent for inclusion into the IEEE Xplore digital



28 January, Submission deadline

20 February, Notification of acceptance

1 March, Camera ready submission

15 May, Tentative workshop date

Special Issues

Two journal special issues are planned from the two focus tracks of the

HBU Workshop. One issue on `behavior analysis for smart cars` will be edited

as a thematic issue of Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart

Environments. A second issue on `face analytics` is planned. Authors will be

invited to submit suitably extended versions of their papers to these

special issues.



Carlos Busso, Univ. of Texas at Dallas

Xiaohua Huang, Univ. of Oulu (1)

Takatsugu Hirayama, Nagoya Univ.

Guoying Zhao, Univ. of Oulu & Northwest Univ. of China

Albert Ali Salah, Bogaziçi Univ. & Nagoya Univ. (2)

Matti Pietikäinen, Univ. of Oulu

Roberto Vezzani, Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Wenming Zheng, Southeast Univ.

Abhinav Dhall, Indian Institute of Technology

(1) Contact for Track 1 and The workshop on Automatic Face Analytics for

Human Behavior Understanding

(2) Contact for Track 2

Tentative Program Committee

(being formed at the moment, only confirmed members listed)

Tadas Baltrušaitis, CMU, US

Wei Chen, China University of Mining and Technology, CN

Adrian Davison, University of Manchester, UK

Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Bilkent University, TR

Jordi Gonzàlez, CVC Barcelona, ES

Jürgen Gall, Univ. of Bonn, DE

Heikki Huttunen, Tampere University of Technology, FI

Peng Liu, Aware, US

Marwa Mahmoud, Univ. of Cambridge, UK

Matei Mancas, Univ. of Mons, BE

Javier J. Sanchez Medina, CVC-UAB, ES

Teruhisa Misu, Honda Research Institute, US

Wenxuan Mou, Queen Mary University of London, UK

Eshed Ohn-Bar, CMU, US

Shogo Okada, JAIST, JP

Yannis Panagakis, Imperial College London, UK

Senya Polikovsky, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, JP

Nicu Sebe, University of Trento, IT

Caifeng Shan, Philips Research, NL

Karan Sikka, Stanford Research Institute, US

Xiaoyang Tan, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, CN

Yan Tong, University of South Carolina, US

Fernando De la Torre, CMU, US

Mohan M. Trivedi, UCSD, US

Ruiping Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN

Sujing Wang, Chinese Academy of Science, CN

Jacob Whitehill, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US

Lijun Yin, University of Binghamton, US