

[15] Bing Jiang (VMI) and Xiaofei Pan, An anger premium: An experiment on the role of emotions in coordination (2023) accepted by Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Rank: ABDC list: A

[14] Jason Aimone (Baylor U.) and Xiaofei Pan, My risk, Your Risk, and Our Risk: Costly Deviation in Delegated Risk-Taking Environments, (2022) Journal of Behavioral Finance

Rank: ABDC list: A

[13] Jared Barton (CSU-Channel Islands) and Xiaofei Pan, Relatively Accurate but Absolutely Off: Americans' Estimates of Relative and Absolute Economic Mobility, (2022), Applied Economics

Rank: ABDC list: A

[12] Jared Barton (CSU-Channel Islands) and Xiaofei Pan Movin' on up? A survey Experiment on Mobility Enhancing Policies,   (2021) European Journal of Political Economy, with online appendix.

Rank: ABDC list: A

[11] Xiaofei Pan and Sukki Yoon (Bryant U.)Gym Membership Programs: Image Motivation and Conditional Discount Framing, (2021)  Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising

Rank: ABDC list: B

[10] Kai Ou (Florida State U.) and Xiaofei Pan. The Effect of Task Choice and Task Assignment on the Gender Earnings Gap: An Experimental Study,  (2021) European Economic Review , 136.

Rank: ABDC list: A*

[9] Jason Aimone (Baylor U.) and Xiaofei Pan " Blameable and Imperfect: A study of Accountability and Risk taking", (2020) at Journal of Economic Behavioral and Organization. 172, 196-216. 

Rank: ABDC list: A*

[8] Xiaofei Pan and Daniel Houser (George Mason U.) “Why trust out-groups? The roles of punishment and social norms (2019) Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 158, 236-254

Rank: ABDC list: A*

[7] Xiaofei Pan and Erte Xiao (Monash U.) “It’s not just the thought that counts- An experimental study on the hidden cost of giving” (2016) Journal of Public Economics, 138, 22-31

Rank: ABDC list: A*

[6] Xiaofei Pan and Daniel Houser (George Mason U.). "Social Approval, Competition and Cooperation" (2016) Experimental Economics. doi:10.1007/s10683-016-9485-0

Rank: ABDC list: A*

[5] Daniel Klein (George Mason U), Xiaofei (Sophia) Pan Daniel Houser (George Mason U.) and Gonzalo Schwarz (2015) "A demand for encompassment: A Hayekian experimental parable about political psychology" Rationality and Society. 27 (1) 70-95. 

Rank: ABDC list: B

[4] Xiaofei (Sophia) Pan and Daniel Houser (2013). "Cooperation During Cultural Group Formation Promotes Trust Towards Member of Out-groups" Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280:1762.doi:10.1098/rspb. 2013. 0606

[3] Omar Al-Ubaydli, Daniel Houser (GMU), John Nye (GMU) and Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity U.) and Xiaofei (Sophia) Pan (2013) "The causal effect of market participation on trust: An experimental investigation using randomized control" PlosOne. 8(3):e55968. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055968

[2] Xiaofei Pan and Daniel Houser (GMU). (2011) "Mating Strategies and Gender Differences in Prosociality: Theory and Evidence" CESifo Economic Studies, doi:10.1093/cesifo/ifr020

Rank: ABDC list: C

[1] Xiaofei (Sophia) Pan and Daniel Houser (2011) "Competition for Trophies Triggers Male Generosity" PloSOne, 6(5): e18050.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.001800.


[1] Team incentive and Lower Ability Workers: An Experimental Study on Real-Effort Tasks, NBER working paper No. 30427. (with Richard Freeman (Harvard U.) , Maoliang Ye (SUSTech), and Xiaolan Yang (Shanghai International Studies U.

[2] Women say no to what? Unequal workload or unequal wage? (with Erte Xiao (Monash U) )


[1] How does feedback design motivate the next generation of sales people: Theory and Evidence from an Experimental study? (with Ying Yang (UIowa) and Christine Lai(EMLyon) (paper writing stage)

[2] Can A Mid-Semester Meeting with Faculty Improve Academic Outcomes of Low-Performing College Students? Experimental Evidence (with Allison Kaminaga and Ferdous Sardar) (paper writing stage) 

[3] Does Partial Pay Transparency Increase Inequality? An Experimental Investigation  (paper writing stage)