LEGO Mindstorms NXT Programs

On this page, you can download programs made for the LEGO Mindstorms NXT v2. Simply download one of these packed files and run it with the NXT software, then click the Download & Run option, and your robot will automatically do as the description describes.

The various checkboxes here are to indicate what sensors and motors your robot has to have. You can run the program without the indicated sensors, but the program may freeze without the required sensor. Optional sensors that only add extra functionality are written in the description rather than checked.

The numbers in parentheses are the port numbers. These are the standard ports, according to the NXT's Program mode, which says this when starting it. Ports 1-4 are for sensors. as indicated here. Motor A is for an extra arm, and motors B and C are used for the left and right wheels, respectively.

LEGO Mindstorms NXT Programs — List page from Classic Sites