The Wyandotte Amateur Radio Repeater Association
The Wyandotte Amateur Radio Repeater Association owns and operates WY8DOT The Wyandotte Repeater
The Wyandotte Repeater has been serving Southeastern Michigan in the Public Interest on 147.24 since the mid 1970s
The Wyandotte Amateur Radio Repeater Association has been an Affiliated Amateur Radio Club of the ARRL since February 1, 2010
Officers of the Wyandotte Amateur Radio Repeater Association
President: John Roberts, N8KAM
Vice President:
Treasurer: Ruth Briggs, WB8AFO
Trustee: Woody Kirkman, N8MWQ
The coverage of WY8DOT to a 50 watt mobile to a 5 watt HT
WY8DOT Technical Information
Input Frequency 147.840 MHz Output Frequency 147.240 MHz
PL Frequency 100.0 Hz
Average Effective Radiated Power 200 Watts
Transmitted tone for Tone Squelch 100.0 Hz
EchoLink 560457
Licensed Amateur Radio Operators located out of 2 meter range of the repeater are welcome to check into the repeater on EchoLink. Local stations may make occasional test connections and transmissions via EchoLink.
Motor City Radio Club Two Meter Net
The Motor City Radio Club has been operating its weekly net on the Wyandotte Repeater since its inception in the spring of 1978. The net meets at 9:00 PM on Tuesday night.
Questions and comments E-Mail to WY8DOT.ARA at
Financial Support
Donations for support of the Wyandotte Repeater may be sent to the Treasurer using this form. Make checks payable to The Wyandotte Amateur Radio Repeater Association.