Доц. д-р Петя Кабакчиева
Curriculum Vitae
Petya Liubomirova Kabakchieva
Home Address
97 Evlogi Georgiev bvd.
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Tel.: +359 2/ 988 12 88
Office Address
Department of Sociology,
Sofia University
125 Tzarigradsko shossee, bl.4
Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Tel.: 971 1002, extension 347
fax: +359 2 /70 62 60
Born: Sept. 20 1956, Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian citizen, married, one child
1975 English Language School, Sofia
1979 M.A. in Philosophy and Sociology, Sofia University
1999 PHD: Doctoral thesis on "Political Power and Elites. The Bulgarian Transition: 1989 -1997"
Excellent knowledge of English, very good of Russian, fair of German
Employment Experience
1980-1986 Research Associate in Institute of Youth Studies, Division of Youth at School
1987 2000 Assistant Professor - Sofia University, Department of Sociology
2001 Associate Professor, Sofia University, Department of Sociology
September 2001 - January 2002 Acting Head of Department of Sociology, Sofia University
Courses Taught
Sociology of Social Regulation - lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Sofia University
Social Stratification and Group Identification in Bulgaria - seminar tutor in the Department of Sociology, Sofia University
Sociology of Civil Society and NGOs - lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Sofia University
European Civilization Process - lecturer in the Department of European Studies at Sofia University
Culture and Personality - lecturer in the New Bulgarian University
Empirical Research
The Impact of Higher School Education on Social Reproduction of Society; 1981-82
Needs and Interests of College Students; 1982-3
Aesthetic Consciousness of Children and Youth; 1983
Sociological Portrait of Community of Bulgarian Artists - two panel surveys; 1986 -1990
Social Problems of Journalists; 1988
Socialist Type of Personality; 1989-90
New Political Elites; 1993, funded by the Fund for Scientific Research at the Ministry of Education and Science
University Humanitarian Intelligentsia; 1994, funded by University Fund for Scientific Research
The Needs of Higher School Education in a Period of Transition; 1993-95; funded by Open Society Foundation, Sofia Office
Poverty Level and Fragmentation of Bulgarian Society. The Role of NGO/CSO for Enhancement of the Social Integration; 1995, financed by UNDP
Tendencies towards Authoritarianism: Comparative Analysis between Russia and Bulgaria; 1995-96; a group project, NATO Research Program.
Capacity building and Strengthening of NGO/CSO's Network, Supporting Social Integration of Poor and Disadvantaged Groups; 1996, funded by UNDP.
Construction and Deconstruction of Symbolic Lifeworld of Communism; 1996-97, funded by the Fund for Scientific Research at the Ministry of Education and Science.
Indigenous and Western Cultures in the Emerging Key Political and Economic Institutions in Bulgaria: A Comparison with Germany; 1996-98, a group project, funded by Research Support Scheme (CEU).
Madan: A Case Study of a Mining Town; 1998, funded by the World Bank, team leader.
Research of the Bulgarian Civil Sector; 1998, funded by Foundation for Civil Society Development.
The Voices of the Poor - International Comparative Participatory Assessment Study of Poverty, organized of and funded by the World Bank and IDF; 1999, Research Director for the Bulgarian Part of the Study.
Processes of (De)Centralization of Fiscal Policy and Political-Decision Making in Bulgaria in the Sphere of Public services; 1999-2000, funded by the World Bank, team leader for the qualitative part of the study.
Local Authorities and the European Structures; 1999-2000, funded by Open Society Foundation, Sofia office.
How a Cross-Border Region Becomes Possible, 2000-2001, grant from NEXUS project, CAS, Sofia
Social Integration of Young Roma , 2001, funded by Foundation Dialogue Development
Europe in the Mirror of Bulgarian Political and Expert Discourse, 2001, funded by Scientific Research Fund, Sofia University, 2001
"Europe" as Presented in Election Campaign, financed by the Delegation of EC in Bulgaria, 2001
Social Assessment: Access to Education in Bulgaria. Study for the Poverty Assessment Update, 2001-2002, funded by the World Bank, team leader
After the Accession…Economic and Social Culture in East Central Europe: Are They EU Compatible? 2002, international comparative research, funded by Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, team leader for the Bulgarian part of the study
Membership in Social Organizations and Public Activities
Member of European Sociological Association
Member of Poverty Participatory Research and Action Association
Deputy Head of Bulgarian Sociological Association
Head of Association of Social Investigations
Member of Advisory Board of Program Group for Research of Civil Sector
Member of Expert Council on the Problems of Culture, Sofia Municipality
List of Recent Main Publications
Papers and Studies
Group Consciousness. The Annual of Sofia University, vol. 83, 1991
The Heroes of Our Time. Sociologicheski Problemi, No4, 1991
Post-Totalitarianism and Post-Modernism. The Annual of Sofia University, vol. 84, 1992
Women University Lecturers in the Eyes of Their Students. Hypotheses and Socio-cultural Prerequisites in Bulgarian Experience. Contributions to the East and West GASAT European Conference, vol. II, 1992
Elite or Elites. IZBOR, autumn 1993
Ценностни нагласи към висшето образование в период на преход, Страте гии на образователната и научната политика" 1996/2 (в съавторство с Г. Димитров и Д. Ненкова)
Пазарната ситуация във висшето образование - поглед отвътре, Страте гии на образователната и научната политика, 1996/4 (в съавторство с Г. Димитров и Д. Ненкова)
The Role of Charity Non Governmental Organizations for the Enhancement of Social Integration of Bulgarian Society, the Proceedings of the Conference "Poverty Level and Social Fragmentation of Bulgarian Society. The Role of NGO for Enhancement of Social Integration, 1996
The New Political Actors and Their Strategies, in: Bulgaria at Crossroads, ed. Jacques Coenen-Huther, Nova Science Publ. Inc, New York, 1996
Languages of Social Protest: 1990 - 1997, in: From the good for nothing (lumpen) to the citizen, ed. Liubima Jordanova, Sofia, 1997
Poverty Problem and the Problems of Social Policy, in: NGOs and Government Institutions - against Poverty, ed. D. Minev, P. Kabakchieva, M. Jeliaskova, Sofia, Foundation Perspectiva, 1997
The Civil Sector in the Mirror of Sociology, in: The Sociological Images of the Civil Sector, ed. P. Kabakchieva, FRGO, Sofia, 1998
The Constitution of Bulgarian Political Space, in: The Book of Changes, ed. E. Dainov, V. Garnizov, Sofia, 1999
Die Neuen Politishen Eliten, in: Bulgarien in Uebergang, herausgegeben von.Prof. Hans Leo Kraemer, Edwin Ferger Ferlag, 1999
Building of "Europe" or Integrating in Europe, in Soziologicheski problemi, N 1-2, 2000
Decentralization of Public Services in Bulgaria: Rhetoric or Reality? (Co-publication with Haralan Alexandrov), The Annual of Sofia University, vol. 93, 2000, forthcoming
Media and Civil Participation, in Third Sector, Forth Power, Sofia, 2001
How a Cross-Border Region Becomes Possible, The Annual of Sofia University, vol. 94, 2001, forthcoming
From Local to Regional Identity? A Case Study of a Border Region (in English)
Books and Textbooks
Sociology. A Textbook for College Students. (Co-publication with Deyanova L., Grecova M., Dimitrov G.), Sofia, PROSVETA, 1992
CIVICS. A Textbook for Prisoners. (Co-publication with Madjarov E., Minev T.), Novissima Verba, Universitas Burgas, 1993
The Transition - Elites and Strategies. ( Co-publication with Minev. D.) A Book, Sofia University Publ. House, 1996
The Social Reforms in Bulgari