
Signing of Treaty of Versailles

1) Research Outline: (Task 1) You will use in class activities, books, Web sites, in class and online videos to develop your knowledge and understanding around the following topics. Do use the ESPRAT+G approach to studying social studies as you research each topic.

    • Causes of WWII (draw from previous units of study)
    • Main European, N African and Pacific Theatre Battles of this Global War (timeline)
    • Nature of Armaments and Tactics (how technology & tactics affected civilians & soldiers)
    • Life in the Various Home Fronts
    • Resistance Movements & Collaboration (By nation listing effectiveness)
    • The Holocaust (Look to create a timeline of events as Nazi’s implemented Final Solution)
    • Ultimate Failure of Axis Powers
    • Atomic Bombs in Japan
    • Effects of WWII
    • Start of the Cold War

You can either work on your own or with a partner. You are to create either a Mindmeister mind map or a Google Doc and share it with Mr. Carpenter in which you list the above mentioned topics in your nodes (mind map) or headings (Google Doc). Entitle your outline “SL or HL- Your Name- WWII Outline”. Specifically create a timeline for the Main European and Pacific Theatre Battles in your outline. If you use a mind map, list the name of each battle as a node and then use the Note tool to list the details.

Assessment: Your research will be graded each Saturday starting at 1:00 PM for a homework grade. Your completed research due at the end of the unit will be assessed for a project grade. Final Version Due Date: ---


2) Unit Questions: (Task 2) You (and a partner if you choose) are to create a Google Doc entitled “SL or HL- Your Name- WWII Unit Questions” and share it with Mr. Carpenter. Copy the unit questions from the Introduction page and paste them into your document. You are to answer the questions by the end of this unit.

Assessment: your answers will be assessed for a project grade. Due Date: ---


3) WWII in Film: (Task 3) You are to play the role of historian in reviewing one of the following films for its historical accuracy. Create a Google Doc entitled “SL or HL- Your Name-WWII Film” to write your critique. Share it with Mr. Carpenter. Download from the bottom of this page the criteria listing for this OPVL style review project that you are to copy and paste into your Google Doc.

Assessment: The film critique will be assessed for a project grade. Due Date: ---

Films to Choose From- (Look to view what you have not already seen.)

A Bridge Too Far


Battle of Britain

Big Red One

Das Boot

Enemy at the Gate

Empire of the Sun

Guns of Navarone

The Longest Day



Sands of Iwo Jima

Saving Private Ryan

Sink the Bismarck

Stalag 17

Schindler’s List

The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Great Escape

The Thin Red Line

Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo

Tora, Tora, Tora

To Hell and Back

Where Eagles Dare


4) Role Play Debate (In class Task 4): The Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

Was President Truman right or wrong to decide to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What were his reasons for making the decision?

We will run a simulation in class where each student plays a specific role in either defending or critiquing Truman’s decision. The class will be split into two simulation groups with one remaining in the classroom and the other going to the MPR. Within each room, there will be two teams (one pro and one negative on dropping the bombs) presenting their arguments to a moderator who will decide which team does the better job in presenting their case.


    • A grandchild of a Japanese citizen who survived the dropping of the bomb
    • Two Historians
    • A grandchild of American soldier who was stationed in the Pacific theater
    • A representative from the Truman Library
    • Two scientists: one for the importance of testing the atomic bomb and one against
    • A Moderator


The Japanese citizen, one scientist and one historian will form one team while the grandchild of the American soldier, the other historian, the other scientist and a representative of the Truman Library the other. During the simulation, one team at a time will have 5 minutes to put forth one segment of their argument. The opposing team will then have 3 minutes to put forth the counter argument. They then get their 5 minutes to put forth one portion of their argument with the opposing team having 3 minutes to rebut it. This argument presentation will go on until the last 10 minutes where the moderator will ask each team questions about any points he/she needs clarification about.

Do note the importance of the historians on each team. Their job is to review the historiography of the atomic bomb decision. They will review all the resource materials and specific documents explaining the two main interpretations historians have found themselves discussing during the past 60 years. Each historian will need to prepare his/her respective argument based upon the historical evidence and from the historiography. Due to workload and class numbers, it is advised that you assign two members of your respective team to be play the role of the historian.

The moderator is charged with putting together his/her decision as to which team did the better job of presenting their case. The moderator is not deciding whether the atomic bombs should have been dropped. He/she is deciding which team...

    • is more prepared in their background research
    • puts forth the better constructed arguments
    • is able to do a better job in rebutted the other team’s points


Go to the Resources page to access the Web sites, videos and documents to prepare your case. Remember also to do your own searching for resources.

Assessment: your performance and the moderator’s decision will be used for this half project grade.

(Resource site for this simulation)


5) Essential Questions Response (Task 5): Create either a Mindmeister mind map or Google Doc. Entitle it “SL or HL- Your Name- WWII Unit EQs”. Share it with Mr. Carpenter. Develop your responses to the questions as we go through the unit.

Go to Resources