Publications & Preprints








12. Quasi-constant fundamental weights in terms of Levi subgroups

J. Algebra., 559 (2020), pp. 87-94     


11. The Griffiths bundle is generated by groups 

Math. Ann. 375 (2019), pp. 1283-1305     

 griffiths_bundle.pdf Open Access 

10. (with Jean-Stefan Koskivirta) Strata Hasse invariants, Hecke algebras and Galois representations  

Invent. Math. 217 No. 3 (2019), pp. 887--984.   

strata_hasse.pdf Open Access

9. (with Jean-Stefan Koskivirta) Quasi-constant characters: Motivation, classification and applications

Adv. in Math. 339 (2018), pp. 336--366


8. (with Jean-Stefan Koskivirta) Automorphic vector bundles with global sections on G-Zip^Z-schemes

Compositio Math., 154 (2018), pp. 2586--2605


7.  (with Jean-Stefan Koskivirta) Stratification of flag spaces and functoriality

IMRN No. 12 (2019), pp. 3646-3682                                                           


6. (with Marc-Hubert Nicole) The $\mu$-ordinary Hasse invariant of unitary Shimura varieties

J. reine angew. Math. 728 (2017), pp. 137–151. 


Notes: Merges our two previous preprints,  "A \mu-ordinary Hasse invariant" (arXiv:1302.1614v2) and "The \mu-ordinary Hasse invariant of unitary Shimura varieties" (arXiv:1305.6956v1). 

5. An introduction to the Langlands correspondence

pp. 333-367  of "Recent Advances in Hodge Theory: Period Domains, Algebraic Cycles, and Arithmetic". Proceedings of a conference held at the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Vancouver, Canada in June 2013. Matt Kerr and Gregory Pearlstein editors, Cambridge University Press, 2016.  


Notes: Based on three expository lectures given at the above conference.

4.  (With an appendix by Sug Woo Shin) Galois Representations Associated to Holomorphic Limits of Discrete Series

Compositio Math. 150  (2014) pp.191-228


3. A new proof of Belyi's Theorem

J. Number Theory 135 (2014) pp. 151-154


2. Unifying Themes Suggested by Belyi's Theorem

pp. 181--214 of Number Theory, Analysis and Geometry (Serge Lang Memorial Volume). D. Goldfeld, J. Jorgenson, P. Jones, D. Ramakrishnan, K. Ribet, J. Tate eds. Springer-Verlag, 2011


1. Dynamics of the w function and primes. 

J. Number Theory 119 (2006) pp. 86-98
