Willow Springs Chess

All Willow Springs students are invited to participate in chess meetings. Come have fun as you learn the exciting and challenging game of chess! Chess meetings will include practice matches as well as instruction on rules and strategy. Certificates are awarded as new skills are mastered. Chess sets and materials are provided.


Every Friday morning from 8:00 – 8:45 am.

We start the week after the Jog-a-thon and end the last Friday in March, or the Friday before Spring break, whichever comes first.


In the Willow Springs Cafeteria

To Register:

Click Here: Registration

Students will need to register even if they did chess last year.



This program is funded by our PTA.

Who is invited:

All Students, Parents & grandparents are invited.

All grades and experience levels are welcome. 1st grade, AM & PM Kindergartners are invited, but a parent needs to attend with them initially to help them read the material. Students should register before attending. but if you have questions or want to introduce yourself before attending, please email us at willowspringschess@gmail.com.


You can access the guidebooks by clicking here.

As students learn new chess skills they advance through the rank in this order:

  1. Beginner

  2. Pawn

  3. Knight

  4. Bishop

  5. Rook

  6. Queen

  7. King & Junior Coach

Check out the guidebook for each rank. These guides teach the skills needed to get to the next rank.

All of our Kings are amazing Junior Coaches and they help the other ranks to progress in the program.


Contact us at willowspringschess@gmail.com with any questions.

Volunteers Needed!

Parents/Grandparents: We could use your help. The chess program is run by parent volunteers. We can ALWAYS use more help, but especially the first 6 weeks. We mostly need parents to read the guidebooks to students and help them keep on track progressing through the program. Student progress is slowed when we don’t have enough parents. Chess experience is helpful, but not necessary! We don’t have a volunteer schedule, just come when you can. Check out the Volunteer Information page more information.