Lexicology 2024

Wednesdays, room 207, 13.45 (gr. 1), 15.30 (gr. 2)

Test końcowy, pierwszy termin - 5.06; termin poprawkowy- 12.06 (dotyczy osób, którym nie uda się zaliczyć w pierwszym terminie)

29 maja (środa) - zgodnie z zarządzeniem JM Rektora odbywają się zaj. piątkowe.

Class 11. Language and social relations, Exercise questionnaire 11. 

Class 10, Regional variety, Exercise questionnaire 10, optional video (Hollywood stars teaching each other regional varieties of English)

Class 9. Lexicon evolution and change. Exercise/questionnaire 9. Submit your answers by  May 11th (watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-x9EUCTzRo - not compulsory but definitely in the "learning and entertainment" category - funny and instructive, don't miss it). Oh, and don't miss this (you'll thank me if you don't).

Class 8. Pragmatics.  Words have meaning. Do they? Is this really what you think?  I hope not, and here's why: Exercise questionnaire 8.

Class 7. Lexicon, mind and culture. This week we will take a closer look at the unbreakable bond of lexicon, mind and culture- one of my favourite topics. I hope you'll find it interesting too. Exercise questionnaire 7 , video

Class 6 - In every field of knowledge something momentous happens every century or so. The ground-breaking prototype research from the 60's and 70's of the last century is an excellent example of that - it revolutionized our knowledge of "what words mean" (word semantics). Truly fascinating stuff, I am sure you will enjoy it. Exercise/questionnaire 6 .

Class 5  - how are words related? In other words - lexical relations (and other animals). Exercise questionnaire 5, video 

Class 4  - morphology. This week we will discuss a topic that is definitely central for the science of words: "How are words structured"? And for that we need another quick refresher - this time from morphology. The material for study and questions are contained within this exercise questionnaire 4, and the video (14 min.)

Class 3  - writing. Last time we discussed the spoken form of words and now of course we ought to consider the written form - the various writing conventions. Study this presentation first and then (optionally) fill in exercise questionnaire 3.

Class 2 - phonology and phonetics. Every word as a binary linguistic sign consists of form and meaning. We will soon discuss the latter (word semantics, meaning relations) but this week we will focus on the spoken form of a word - a quick phonetics and phonology refresher .  presentation  exercise questionnaire 2  

Class 1 - word formation.  Lexicology is "the science of words". This semester we will try to learn all there is to know about words of a language. First, let's find an answer to the very fundamental question: where do all those words come from?  Presentation 1  exercise questionnaire 1 (optional) . Have fun (even more so if you try doing it without Google or AI:). 

Contact me with any questions at jacek.wozny@uwr.edu.pl . 

Unabashedly yours, with kind regards, Jacek Woźny