Writing in Math

“It strikes me that mathematical writing is similar to using a language. To be understood you have to follow some grammatical rules. However, in our case, nobody has taken the trouble of writing down the grammar; we get it as a baby does from parents, by imitation of others. Some mathematicians have a good ear; some not (and some prefer the slangy expressions such as “iff”). That’s life.” -- JP Serre

Annenberg's Reading and Writing in the Disciplines

Check out this page for information specific to math, including several videos illustrating how writing works in a math class.

Tips on writing mathematics

Kevin Houston's video on writing in math -- Part I -- and here's Part II.

Kevin Lee from the University of California at Davis has written this handbook, A Guide to Writing Mathematics

Guidelines for Good Mathematical Writing -- and even mathematical writing can be elegant!

Ten Tips for Writing Mathematical Proofs

A blog on writing math

Focus on classroom instruction

Wendy Hoffer's chapter on writing like a mathematician. (Note: this is about to be published so you're getting a special preview of her work.)

Writing to Learn

Using Writing to Deepen Student Learning

Michigan's Department of Education has prepared a document about writing to learn in math.

Mentor Text

Check out these columns to see if you can find one that work well for your students to see what writing about math might look like.

Steven Strogatz's columns on math

Jason Brown writes columns on math

How about having students do some fun writing about math, something similar to Bedtime Math or Sir Cumference and the Adventure of Pi?

Interesting article for the formula 1/e: How to Marry the Right Person: A Mathematical Solution

The Simpsons and a Theorum

What's up with the mathematics of beauty

Sports statistics reveal the importance of math