Classmate Finder


The plan is for it to return some day. In the meantime, the next time you see your Class of '03 Compadres, just ask - "Hey, have you updated your info at, yet?" ;) If you've recently run into anyone who you think we may not have contact info for, and they're ok with you sharing it with us, shoot us an email with the info at

We can only account for just under 40% of you, and we would like that number to be much higher. We calculate that number by the the number of valid emails, phones numbers and addressed we have. The Numerator in that calculation is the number of contacts we have on file. The Denominator is based off a list that was originally created by transcribing names from the Wheat Ridge High School Class of 2003 Graduation Program into a spreadsheet. There are many reasons why individuals may not have been on that list, so there are others that have been added, and always the potential to include more.


In an effort to reach out for your assistance, but maintain the security all of our personal information, we have created this search tool. Please take a moment to think about that long-lost friend from High School, or maybe even a friend that you see quite frequently, and see if we have their information on file. If not, please help us find them.

We will never sell your, or other classmates' contact information, and we won't share it unless you've given consent (via the Reunion Survey or Contact Information Form).

Questions, Comments, Concerns? -