Department of Economics, Columbia University

December 2020

Professional Experience

Current position

  • 2017 – Present Lecturer in Discipline, Department of Economics, Columbia University

Past positions

  • 2006 – 2019 Assistant, Associate anf Full Professor of Economics, University Saint-Louis Brussels, Belgium

  • 2016 – 2019 Academic coordinator and faculty member of the Brussels School of Competition

  • 2013 - 2016 Guest professor KULeuven

  • 2013 - 2014 Guest professor University of Antwerp

  • 2011 - 2012 Economist, DG Competition, EU Commission

  • 2005 – 2006 Consultant, National Economic Research Associates (NERA)

  • 2005 – 2006 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Economics, Columbia University


  • 2005 Ph.D. in economics, Columbia University

  • 1999 M.A. in Economics, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

  • 1997 B.A. (Licenciate) in Economics, Catholic univ. Leuven, Belgium


  1. Competitive Imperfect Price Discrimination and Market Power, with P. Belleflamme and W. Lam, Forthcoming in Marketing Science.

  2. Revisiting Stability in One-to-One Matching Problems", 2019, Economic Theory Bulletin, 7: 59.

  3. Antidumping as a signaling device under the WTO's ADA non-disclosure clause, 2018, Review of World Economics, 154: 649. (with A. Khatibi)

  4. The intricate tale of demand and supply of personal data, 2018, Concurrences, N° 3-2018, Art. N° 87528, pp. 45-52 (with P. Belleflamme).

  5. Endogenous Network Formation in a Tullock Contest, Mathematical Social Sciences, 2017 (with G. Grandjean and D. Tellone).

  6. Monopoly price discrimination and privacy: The hidden cost of hiding, Economics Letters, 2016, volume 149, issue C, pages 141-144, (with P. Belleflamme).

  7. Dominance Invariant One-to-One Matching Problems, International Journal of Game Theory, 2014, 43, 925–943, (with A. Mauleon, E. Molis & V. Vannetelbosch).

  8. Von Neumann-Morgenstern Farsightedly Stable Sets in Two-Sided Matching, Theoretical Economics, Econometric Society, vol. 6(3), September 2011. (With A. Mauleon & V. Vannetelbosch)

  9. Collusion in Auctions: Between Bid Rotation and Efficiency, Economics Bulletin, 2011, Volume 31, Issue 1, p. 714-721.

  10. Endogenous network formation in patent contests and its role as a barrier to entry, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2011, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 59(4), pages 529-551, December (With Marco Marinucci)

  11. Trade Policy in the Face of Price and Non-Price Strategies, the Portuguese Economic Journal, 2011, Springer, vol. 10(1), pages 3-21 (with A. Khatibi).

  12. On the role of Retaliation in Trade Agreements. Journal of International Economics, 2008, Volume 76, Issue 1, p. 61-77. (with A. Martin).

Game Theory Textbook

Together with my colleague Prajit Dutta I'm writing the second edition of: Strategies and Games: Theory and Practice, MIT Press. Expected publication: 2022. First draft is available on request by sending me an e-mail at

Teaching @ Columbia

  • Principles of Economics

  • Intermediate Microeconomics

  • Microeconomic Analysis I

  • Industrial Organization

  • Game theory


  • 2019: IIOC Meetings in Boston.

  • 2018: ASSA meetings, Philadelphia

  • 2017: Stony Brook Game Theory Conference

  • 2016: CORE seminar, UCLouvain, PSE, Paris.

  • 2015: EARIE, Munich, ASSET, Granada.

  • 2014: Economics Seminar, University of Antwerp; Economics Seminar, University of Liège; 25th Stony Brook Game Theory Conference, Stony Brook, New York; ASSET 2014, Aix en Provence, France

  • 2013: European Doctoral Programme Jamboree: key note speaker

  • 2012: Games 2012, Istanbul, European Econometric Society Meeting, Malaga

  • 2011: Tilburg University, Stony Brook International Game Theory Conference

  • 2010: EARIE, Istanbul; Portuguese Economic Society, Faro; ASSET 2010, Alicante and CORE.

  • 2009: Journée de l’oligopole, CORE; PET 2009, Galway; ESTG 2009, Rome; FUNDP à Namur and Valencia.

  • 2008: Koç University, Turkey and Sabanci University, Turkey

  • 2007: PET 2007 Vanderbilt University, Nashville; ETSG 2007, Athens, and Second Workshop on Economic Design and Institutions (FUSL)

  • 2006: Séminaire Economique de Louvain, UCL; FUNDP University of Namur and CEREC, Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.

  • 2005: HEC Montreal; Université de Quebec a Montreal (UQAM); Instituto Technológico Autónomo de México (ITAM); Maastricht; Namur; Bowdoin College.

  • 2004: University of Pennsylvania (Interuniversity Conference); Columbia University IO Seminar.

  • 2003: VIIIth Spring Meeting of Young Economists, Leuven, Belgium.

Academic Honors and Funding

  • ARC, Université Saint-Louis, 2015-2020

  • FNRS, ‘crédit aux chercheurs’ 2013-2014

  • FNRS, ‘crédit aux chercheurs’ 2009-2011

  • Teaching Fellow, Columbia University, 2001-2005

  • 4th Year Wueller Teaching Award, Economics Dept., Columbia University, 2004

  • Vickrey Prize: Second Best 3rd Year Paper, Economics, Columbia University, 2003

  • Lewis Sanders Fellow for Excellence in Mathematics, Columbia University, 02-03

  • BAEF Fellow (Belgian American Educational Foundation), 2000-2001

  • National Scientific Fund Fellow, Flanders, Belgium, 1999-2001


* Referee for:

o Journals: Annals of Operations Research, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Journal, Economic Record, European Economic Review, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of International Economics, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Louvain Economic Review, Rand Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Design, Review of International Economics, Review of Network Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics and Theoretical Economics.

o Other: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the European Research Council, French National Research Agency and Oxford University Press

* In the media

§ Radio Ciudad (Argentinian Public Radio): February 9, 2020:

§ Econometric study on parcel list prices, report prepared for the European Commission,

· This study was featured in The Financial Times, the WSJ Europe and El Pais. See also

IPDIGIT for an article on the study.

* Consulting Experience

Litigation support in the areas of product liability, antitrust, commercial damages, and securities.

  • Economic and data analysis for product liability tort reform

  • liability insurers’ obligations in asbestos-related bankruptcies.

* Other Information

Fluent in English, Spanish, French and Dutch (native)