
Submissions should be research or experience papers of current work-in-progress relevant to:

    • Software quality management
    • Software quality control
    • Software product evaluation
    • Software product certification
    • Models of product or process quality
    • Tradeoffs in quality during software development
    • Software process evaluation and improvement
    • Quality metrics
    • Software Quality for different domains (embedded, web, open source)
    • Quality assurance techniques (testing, inspection, reviews, code analysis)
    • Tool support for all of the above
    • Case studies and empirical results

Submit your paper in Adobe PDF via EasyChair.

Your paper must conform to the FSE proceedings publication format and should not exceed 8 pages, including all text, references, appendices, and figures. More information on the format is at ACM.

Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work and to their ability to generate discussions between the participants of the workshop.