
We propose a full-day workshop with a live PD session in the morning, followed by a group discussion to evaluate the PD results. The morning discussion is meant to be a preamble of the afternoon workshop which will be focused on creating the distributed PD protocol.

This workshop follows from our previous IDC’19 workshop Pushing the Boundaries of Participatory Design with Children with Special Needs which was focused on identifying, synthesising and collating PD best practices across contexts and participant groups.

This workshop has 2 aims:

    1. Run an example PD session with a small group of children involved in the workshop, following a PD protocol developed by the organisers;
    2. Based on observations from the PD session, evaluate and modify the protocol for use in a globally distributed PD project, with consideration for children with special needs (based on the experience and expertise of the organisers and attendees in this domain).