Albert Aflitunov (Aflitun Ptolemy Lagus Dal-Chemie Meriamun...) (born 1949) is an Academician, a founder and president of the World Platonist's Academy of Sciences and Arts (1994) [1], a founder of the World System of academies and universities Contenant [2] , a founder of World Ptolemy University, a founder and president of the World Intellectual Elite Union (WIEU), a founder of the World Blue(intellectual)-Violet(cosmic infinite) Movement (1994), Legal and Intellectual Elite Trade Union and World Justice Movement (2000) [3], known for his fundamental works in Number Theory, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, Forecasting, Neo-Platonism [4].

Albert Aflitunov as a mathematician is famous for his problems in Number theory:

the problem of solution of a Diophantine polynomial equation with arbitrary degrees (as a P.Fermat's Great Theorem generalization known as "The first Al Aflitunov's Problem"; for its solution the WIEU Sponsor Committee announced prize of 10 million Euro) [5];

Al Aflitunov's 24 conjectures in Number Theory were dedicated to unsolved problems on prime numbers[6].

In the field of theoretical and mathematical physics Al Aflitun proposed non-linear transformations and their use, as well as the hypothesis of the periodic system of the masses of elementary particles (Mass Spectrum of Elementary Particles) [7].

New methods of of forecasting developed by Al Aflitun are based not on the pattern interpolation of the previous behavior of the system but on the non-linear model of " a branching tree nodes", so one can predict the main features, jumps, branching, periods of "flowering" and damping, as well as the probability of the next scenarios and the lifetime of the system (Non-linear Prediction Models)[8].

Albert Aflitunov Ptolemy is an author of painting, music, prose [9] and poetry [10].

Since 1996 Al Aflitunov as a human rights defender wrote and sent to the proper authorities several thousand applications [11] in the protection of the violated rights of disabled children and elderly. He organized a special Syndicate of the Legal and Intellectual Elite Trade Unions and Trade Unions of disabled children, elderly and their representatives for this aim. Не achieved their state registration in the Russian Federation through the trial for 11 years by a decision of the European Court of Human Rights (application jointly with Mrs. T. Kazachkova)[12].

He sends the annual messages to the international organizations, leaders and parliaments with the proposals to create a new, reasonable and humane world order.














World intellectual elite union

THE WORLD INTELLECTUAL ELITE UNION (WIEU) is a global alliance of the intellectual elite, formed in 1973 around the World Platonist's Academy of Sciences and Arts. Revival and the widespread use of Pythagoreanism , Platonism , Neoplatonism as the methodology of modern fundamental science led the founders of quantum theory Werner Heisenberg and Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, the founder of the school of modern algebraic topology and geometry Henri Paul Cartan, the founder of the neo-Platonic and neo-Pythagorean school and the Thoth-Pythagoras-Plato-Ptolemy's Wisdom Temple Albert Aflitunov Ptolemy Lag Dal-Chemie Meriamun to create the Platonist's Academy of Sciences and Art with 42 (similar to the number of ancient Egyptian Gods ) immortal members representing prominent founders of the leading areas of fundamental science.

Since 1994, under the leadership of the WIEU-CONTENANT President Albert Aflitunov Ptolemy Lag Dal-Chemie Meriamun [1]

the World Intellectual Elite Union has the rights of the World trade union, includes the Blue (intellectual)-Violet (cosmic infinite) Movement, World Justice Movement and CONTENANT (Fr. 'contenant' - container, integrated unit ) as the World System of academies, universities , schools, museums and free creative intellectual groups and individuals that is why WIEU turned into the WIEU-CONTENANT. The WIEU-CONTENANT, acting on the Rights of the World Trade Union , established its academies , branches, departments, representative offices in more than one hundred countries.

Structure of the WIEU-CONTENANT as a global union and intellectual movement

The WIEU-CONTENANT includes:

- World Platonist's Academy of Sciences and Arts as a scientific and ideological core of this world movement ;

- World Ptolemy University as the leading institution of higher education ( with externship and online system ) and fundamental theoretical research with the world's leading universities programs for gifted and talented individuals ;

- the Thoth-Pythagoras-Plato-Ptolemy's Wisdom Temple, closed sponsorship committee on policy and funding in science , education and culture ;

- specialized and regional non-governmental associations, scientific and educational academies, universities , schools, libraries , museums and other intellectual institutions, their division , groups ;

- unions and associations , human rights groups , which put to protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of the people of intellectual and creative work, for example, as the Legal and Intellectual Elite Trade Union.

Blue-Violet Movement

WORLD BLUE-VIOLET MOVEMENT The World Blue(Intellectual)-Violet (Cosmic Infinite) Movement (CONTENANT) is a social non-governmental scientific, educational, cultural organization establishing in 1994 by the World System of Academies and Universities including the World Intellectual Elite Union. Founder of the movement is Albert Aflitunov Ptolemy Lag Dal-Chemie Meriamun...[1] .


The World Albert Aflitun Ptolemy Prize Committee had announced (2000) the Millenium award of 10 million euro for the complete solution of the Albert Aflitunov Lag Ptolemy’s Diophantine problem (1979).

More precise remark: ALBERT AFLITUN'S NUMBER THEORY FOURTH PROBLEM is connected with Al Aflitun's Number Theory Fifth Conjecture, and with L. R. Aflitun Ptolmis's conjecture: "EVERY EVEN NUMBER CAN BE REPRESENTED AS A DIFFERENCE OF TWO CONSECUTIVE PRIMES, AND NOT BY ONE WAY" (1799), - and with De Polignac's conjecture: "EVERY EVEN NUMBER IS THE DIFFERENCE OF TWO CONSECUTIVE PRIMES IN INFINITELY MANY WAYS (1849) (all problems are unsolved).

Nicolas Bert

(see an article on site: Aflitunov Albert. Kak stat' bogom matematiki? (Russian) How May Be A Math God?).

Remark: Every positive integer m(j,k) can be represented as a half-difference of two consecutive primes in infinitely many ways (the first formulation by L.R. D'Al-Aflitoune Lagos Ptolmis von Habsburg de Bourbon in 1799).


1) A + B = C :

C = 3^8 = 6561 ; logC = 8,78890 ;

B = 5^4 = 625 ; logB = 6,43935;

A = 5936 = 2^4 ∙ 7 ∙ 53 ;

logA = 8,68879 ;

rad(ABC) = 2*3*5* 7 * 53 = 11130 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 9,31740 < logA = 8,68879 < logC = 8,78890 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 0,94328 .

2) A + B = C :

C = 3^16 = 43046721 ; logC = 17,57780 ;

B = 5^8 = 390625 ; logB = 12,87550 ;

A = 42656096 = 2^5 ∙ 7 ∙ 53 ∙ 3593 ;

logA = 17,56868 ;

rad(ABC) = 2*3*5* 7 * 53 * 3593 = 39990090 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 17,50414 < logA = 17,56868 < logC = 17,57780 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,00421 .

3) A + B = C :

C = 3^32 = 1853020188851841 ; logC = 35,15559 ;

B = 5^16 = 152587890625 ; logB = 25,75101 ;

A = 1852867600961216 = 2^6*28951056265019 = 2^6 ∙ 7 ∙ 17 ∙ 53 ∙ 3593 ∙ 1277569 ;

logA = 35,15551;

rad(ABC) = 2*3*5*7 * 17 * 53 * 3593 * 1277569 = 868531687950570 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 34,39782 < logA = 35,15551 < logC = 35,15559 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,02203 (a local maximum with m=5, n=4 for an equation:

3^(2^m) = 5^(2^n)+A ) .

4) A + B = C :

C = 3^64 = 3433683820292512484657849089281 ; logC = 70,311186475 ;

B = 5^32 = 23283064365386962890625 ; logB = 51,50201 ;

A = 3433683797009448119270886198656 =

= 2 ^7 ∙ 7 ∙ 17 ∙ 53 ∙ 673 ∙ 3593 ∙ 970561 ∙ 1277569 ∙ 1418561 ;

logA = 70,311186468;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 ∙ 17 ∙ 53 ∙ 673 ∙ 3593 ∙ 970561 ∙ 1277569 ∙ 1418561 =

= 804769639924089402954113952810 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 68,86035 < logA = 70,311186468 < logC = 70,311186475 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,02107 .

5) A + B = C :

C = 3^128 = 1,1790184577738583171520872861413e+61 ;

logC = 140,622372949518040498 ;

B = 5^64 = 5,4210108624275221700372640043497e+44 ; logB = 103,004026395782 ;

A = 1,1790184577738582629419786618661e+61 =

= 2 ^8 ∙ 7 ∙ 17 ∙ 53 ∙ 673 ∙ 3593 ∙ 970561 ∙ 1277569 ∙ 1418561 ∙ ∙ ∙ ;

logA = 140,622372949518040452 ;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 ∙ 17 ∙ 53 ∙ 673 ∙ 3593 ∙ 970561 ∙ 1277569 ∙ 1418561 ∙ ∙ ∙ =

= 1,3816622552037401518851312443743e+60;

log(rad(ABC)) = 138,47839288670 < logA = 140,622372949518040452 <

< logC = 140,622372949518040498 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,01548 .

6) A + B = C :

C = 11^8 = 214358881 ;

logC = 19,18316 ;

B = 7^8 = 5764801 ; logB = 15,56728 ;

A = 208594080 =25 · 32 · 5 · 17 · 8521 ;

logA = 19,15590 ;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 ∙ 11 ∙ 17 ∙ 8521 = 334619670 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 19,62851 > logC = 19,18316 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 0,97731 .

7) A + B = C :

C = 2^8 = 256 ;

logC = 5,54518 ;

B = 3^4 = 81 ; logB = 4,39445 ;

A = 175 = 5 ^2 ∙ 7 ;

logA = 5,16478 ;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 = 210 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 5,34711 < logC = 5,54518 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,03704 .

8) A + B = C :

C = 5^16 = 152587890625 ;

logC = 25,75101;

B = 7^8 = 5764801 ; logB = 15,56728;

A = 152582125824 = 2 ^8 ∙ 3^2 ∙ 41 · 337 · 4793 ;

logA = 25,75097;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 ∙ 41 · 337 · 4793 = 13907225010 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 23,35567 < logA = 25,75097 < logC = 25,75101;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,10256 .

9) A + B = C :

C = 5^8 = 390625 ;

logC = 12,87550;

B = 7^4 = 2401 ; logB = 7,78364 ;

A = 388224 = 2 ^8 ∙ 3^2 · 337 ;

logA = 12,86934;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 ∙ 337 = 70770 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 11,16719 < logA = 12,86934 < logC = 12,87550;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,15298 .

10) A + B = C :

C = 5^4 = 625 ;

logC = 6,43775 ;

B = 7^2 = 49 ; logB = 3,8918 ;

A = 576 = 2 ^6 ∙ 3^3 ;

logA = 6,35611 ;

rad(ABC) = 2 ∙ 3 ∙ 5 ∙ 7 = 210 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 5,34711 < logA = 6,35611 < logC = 6,43775 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,20397 .

11) A + B = C :

C = 2^20 *3^20 = 3656158440062976 ; logC = 35,83519 ;

B = 5^22 = 2384185791015625 ; logB = 35,40763 ;

A = 1271972649047351 = 19 · 29 · 31 · 19759 · 3768769 ;

logA = 34,77934 ;

rad(ABC) = 2 · 3 · 5 · 19 · 29 · 31 · 19759 · 3768769 =

= 38159179471420530 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 38,18054 > logC = 35,83519 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 0,93857 .

12) A + B = C :

C = 2^21 *3^19 = 2437438960041984 ; logC = 35,42972 ;

B = 5^22 = 2384185791015625 ; logB = 35,40763 ;

A = 53253169026359 = 47 · 1133046149497 ;

logA = 31,60608 ;

rad(ABC) = 2 · 3 · 5 · 47 · 1133046149497 = 1597595070790770 ;

log(rad(ABC)) = 35,00728 < logC = 35,42972 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC)) = 1,01207 .

13) A + B = C :

3^4*19^4=5^4*11^4+2^6*7*3137 ;

C=3^4*19^4= 10556001; logC=16,172205;

B=5^4*11^4= 9150625 ; logB=16,029333;

A= 1405376 =2^6*7*3137; logA=14,155815;


log(rad(ABC))= 18,740464; logC/log(rad(ABC))= 0,862956 .

14) A + B = C :

3^8*19^8=5^8*11^8+2^7*7*3137*9853313 ;

C=3^8*19^8= 111429157112001; logC= 32,344410;

B=5^8*11^8= 83733937890625; logB= 32,058665;

A= 27695219221376 =2^7*7*3137*9853313; logA=30,952281;


log(rad(ABC))= 34,843782; logC/log(rad(ABC))=0,928269 .

15) A + B = C :

3^8=7^4+2^6*5*13 ;

C=3^8= 6561; logC= 8,788898;

B=7^4= 2401 ; logB= 7,783640;

A= 4160 =2^6*5*13; logA= 8,333270;


log(rad(ABC))=7,912057; logC/log(rad(ABC))= 1,110823 .

16) A + B = C :


C=3^2*5^2= 225; logC= 5,416100;

B=2^5*7= 224 ; logB= 5,411646;

A= 1; logA= 0;


log(rad(ABC))= 5,347108; logC/log(rad(ABC))= 1,012903 .

17) A + B = C :


C=2^16 = 65536;


logC/log(rad(ABC))= 1,049297 .

18) A + B = C :

2^32=3^20+5 ∙ 13 ∙ 499 ∙ 24917 ;

C=2^32 = 4294967296 ;

rad(ABC)=2*3*5*13*499*24917= 4849097370 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC))= 0,994559 .

19) A + B = C :

2^34=5*3^19+5281 ∙ 2152729 ;

C=2^34 = 17179869184 ; logC=34log2=22,180710 ;

rad(ABC)=2*3*5*5281*2152729 = 341056855470 ;

log(rad(ABC))=26,555315 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC))=0,835264 .

20) A + B = C :

5*3^20=2^34+11*23095711 ;

C=5*3^20 = 17433922005 ; logC=23,581684 ;


log(rad(ABC))= 22,754250;


21) A + B = C :

21.1) 3^2= 2^3+1 ;

C=3^2=9 ;

rad(ABC)=2*3=6 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC))=1.226294 ;

21.2) 3^4= 2^4*5+1 ;

C=3^4=81 ;

rad(ABC)=2*3*5=30 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC))=1.292030 (a local maximum of logC/log(rad(ABC)));

21.3) 3^8= 2^5*5*41+1 ;

C=3^8=6561 ;

rad(ABC)=2*3*5*41 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC))=1.235303 ;

21.4) 3^16= 2^6*5*23*41*9127+1 ;

C=3^16 ;

rad(ABC)=2*3*5*23*41*9127 ;

logC/log(rad(ABC))=0.907510 .

22) С=В+А :

7^4= 2^5*5^2*3+1 ;

C=7^4 = 2401;

rad(ABC)=2*3*5*7 = 210;

logC/log(rad(ABC))= 1.455673 .




1. Elementary Particles Masses Spectrum (1988).

2. New Nonlinear Mechanics(1990).

3. Diophantine Equations(1980).

4. One (Unity) (1996).

5. Pythagoras(1998).

6. Theory of Knowledge(1995).

7. Holy Dreams(2005).

8. God's Law(2003).

9. Quatrains(2005).

10. Poetry, vol.1-42 (1976-2006).

11. Human Rights and UN Reorganization(1988).

12. World Future and History Rhythms(1992).

13. Ta-Meri (Myth) (2006).

14. Non-linear Model of Quantum Field Theory (1993).

15. Towards New Principles of International Law (2000).

16. Philosophy of Law (2001).

17. Neo-Platonist's Notes, vol. 1-22 (1982-2006).

18. Divine Orion Initiation in Ancient Egypt (2005).

19. Truth and Law (2006).

20. New World Philosophy (2006).

21. New Problems of Number Theory (2006).

22. New Quatrains (2007).

23. The World Documents for WIEU


24. New World Order Declaration (2008).

25. New Classic and Quantum Mechanics: Hidden Variables Models (2009).

26. Mathematical Foundations of Elementary Particle Theories and Astrophysics (2011).

27. Ethnology Reader. Vol. I, II, III (2011).

28. Notes on International Law and National Constitutions (2012).

29. Hafiz Shirazi’s Ghazals Translation (2012 -…).

30. SELECTED POETRY (2007-2011): (in Cyrillic: Aflitunov Albert).

31. ADRIAN-…-SHEMI. Verses Novel. In Russian, 2012 (Roman v stikhakh):

(Aflitunov Albert).

32. New Prosaic Works. In Russian, 2012-2013:

33. Finance&Eco Reader. (2013).

34. Ancient Egyptian Thoth’s Emerald Tables (compound and translation) (2013-…).


twitter: AlAflitunov, Russian: автор: Афлитунов Альберт)