Born 1983 in Ankara and moved to Istanbul in 1988.

Went to primary and high school in Istanbul.

2001-05: Studied International Relations at Middle East Technical University in Ankara.

2005-07: Completed my MBA at Sabanci University in Istanbul.

2007-08: Completed the compulsary military service in Erzurum, Turkey.

2008-2009: Started working for Novo Nordisk and lived in Zurich, Switzerland.

2009-10: Moved to Copenhagen, Denmark to work at the headquarters of Novo Nordisk.

2011-14: Worked at one of the regional headquarters of Novo Nordisk based in Dubai covering Africa, Gulf and India.

2014-15: Took a career break and moved to London. Got an additional degree from London School of Economics on Human Reources and Organizations. Also worked part-time for a pro-bono consulting organization in London.

2016-2017: Returned Turkey and worked for Turkish Economy Bank, partner of BNP Paribas in Turkey as organizational development manager.

2017-Onwards: Decided to switch to academia and moved to Milan. Currently pursuing a PhD at Bocconi University.

2017-Onwards: Became a partner to two newly founded consulting organizations in Turkey (Istanbul and Ankara) focusing on organizational transformation and human capital solutions.