
What is WebQuest?


Øcreated by Bernie Dodge and Tom March in 1995


    “inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners  

     interact with comes from resources on the Internet”


Ø an activity that integrates online resources with educational concepts


Ø a teacher-created lesson plan in the form of a simple World Wide Web page with

    active,preselected internet links and a specific purpose for students


Øconsists of 6 elements arranged in sequence

   a) Introduction: Background information on the topic

   b) Task: Avtivities which students need to complete

   c) Resources: Links to internet-based resources

   d) Process: Step-by-step guide for completion of activities

   e) Evaluation: Asessment methods

   f) Conclusion: Closure, summary of activities and expectation


In this World Issues Webquest, you will take a closer look at some of the alarming issues happening nowadays.